Terri Hill (30 Nov 2013)
"What Exactly Is "Normal"?"


Thank you, John and doves (all of you), for your letters and comments. I am encouraged by reading your posts.
All I want is Jesus; I want to behold Him, face to face. I must know Him more intimately. I am desperately pressing in, desiring to reach the "prize" that we all want - to be a part of the Bride of Jesus. And yet I am at peace, resting in His finished work.
THE BRIDE IS NOT A NORMAL CHRISTIAN. If you are being selected as part of the Bride, you are misunderstood on planet Earth. You are not normal in the eyes of others. We don't belong here; this is just "training time for reigning time". In the meantime, we don't apologize for wanting to be with Jesus more than anything. We can't "calm down" ; we can't help it that we are "excited". It's alright that we are misunderstood; we just don't "fit in", and we don't apologize for that.
We are all "homesick" (this is NORMAL FOR THE BRIDE). We are seeing some things that others haven't seen yet (my theology may not be perfect, but my heart is being transformed). I hope these things encourage you today.
Terri H.

                                         WILL   YOU   BE   THE   BRIDE?

There Is A Difference Between A Gift And A Reward

1. Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for our salvation, which is a GIFT. Eternal life is a GIFT that no man can earn; Mark 16:16; Romans 3:24; 6:23; 10:9-13; 1 John 1:9.

2. Every believer is saved by GRACE, which is a GIFT, but not all who are “justified by  faith” will automatically be a part of the Bride of Christ; Ephesians 2:8-9.

3. Paul talked about “running a race” to receive a PRIZE, the “high calling” of God in Christ.  He spoke about “qualifying” to receive this; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.

4. There must be a “pressing toward the mark”, to “attain” this goal. Being selected to be part of the BRIDE is the goal; it is the HIGH CALLING; Phillipians 3:10-14.

5. The HIGH CALLING is a REWARD given to believers who are intimate with the Lord Jesus. They overcome by walking in love, and by carrying their cross in obedience.


The Bride Is Unique

1. Psalm 45 describes the royal Wedding procession. The Bride’s clothing includes “wrought GOLD”. Her gifts and diligence have “woven” a raiment of “needlework” (God-given and spirit-wrought garments); Isaiah 61:10. Her companions “follow her”.

2. The Church of “Philadelphia” (brotherly love) speaks of the Bride, who is kept from “the hour” of trial. She walks in love, in obedient to Christ; John 14:15. She has an OPEN DOOR (into heaven), and is told to “hold fast” to her crown (reward); Rev. 3:8-11.

3. The Bride makes her calling and election “sure” by adding some things to her faith; 2 Pet.1:3-10. Otherwise she will be “blind” (like Laodicea), unable to see afar off (heaven).

4. The Bride is described as the “dove” (who lives in the spirit) in the Song of Solomon. Her spiritual communion and love for the King, her development of excellent fruit and godly character, is why she is called the “CHOICE ONE” Song of Sol. 4:9-10; 6:9.

5. A reward given to the Bride is the promise of EARLY REDEMPTION. She will “depart early” because she has “made herself ready”. Other believers will be “made ready” in the Tribulation; Rev. 19:7-8; 20:6.


 The Bride Is Separated From The Others

1. A “rib” was “taken out” from Adam’s body to form “Eve”, his wife; Genesis 2:21-22.

The “last Adam” also has a “RIB” (an enclosed, hidden member, close to His heart) taken from His Body, from which a bride is fashioned. All believers are “members” of His Body, but not all “parts” are the Bride; 1 Corinthians 12:18; 15:45.

2. Wise and foolish virgins are separated. The “watching ones” WITH OIL, are “taken” into the Marriage; Matt. 25:10; Rev. 4:1. Foolish virgins (like the church of Laodicea), are told to go “buy”: pay a price, for what God requires; Matt. 25:8-9; Rev. 3:18-19.

3. Rebecca was chosen and SEPARATED from Abraham’s “KIN”. When the invitation for marriage was presented to her, she left immediately, without delay, to follow the “Servant” through the wilderness, knowing he would lead her to Isaac; Gen. 24:58-65.

4. Ruth was not satisfied with the benefits of just working in the “Master’s Field”. She carefully followed Naomi’s instructions, sought out Boaz ALONE on the threshing floor, because she wanted a full union (marriage) with Him, the “landowner”; Ruth 3:1-11; 4:10

5. Esther, an “orphan”, responded to a bridal “call”. She submitted to full preparation, training, cleansing and “purification”; 1 John 3:3. She receives favor, obtains a “crown”, goes into the throne room and touches the “TOP” of the sceptre; Esther 2:17; 5:1-2.

Qualities Of The Bride As Seen In The Lives Of These Overcomers:

1. Abraham – a high level of obedience; Genesis 22:1-19

2. Joseph – a high level of excellent character; Genesis 41:38-43

3. The Zadok Priesthood – a high level of consecration; Ezekiel 44:15-28

4. David – a high level of worship; 2 Samuel 6:12-16

5. Paul – a high level of perseverance; 2 Timothy 4:7-8

An Order In Gathering (Processing) Different Groups; Is. 28:27-28; 1 Corin. 15:22-23

1. As Seen In The Biblical Harvests:

a. Barley - Bride; Church of Philadelphia; Exodus 23:19

b. Wheat - Harvest of Multitudes; Tribulation Saints; Revelation 6:9-11

c. Grapes and Olives - are gathered later (gleanings); Revelation 14:18-20; 19:15


2. The Making Of, And Blowing Of Two Trumpets; Numbers 10:1-8

a. First Trump –This is the 1st call which gathers the princes (rulers) to “move out”; Numb.10:4. The Lord Himself descends to gather this group, His Bride; 1 Thess. 4:16-17.

b. Last Trump – The 2nd call is for the remainder of the people. The angels will gather the elect before the wrath of God is poured out; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Mark 13:27.


3. Types Seen In Previous “Raptures”; Genesis 5:21-24; 2 Kings 2:11

a. Enoch – the 7th from Adam, walks with God after the birth of a son named Methuselah. He is “translated” to heaven before a time of calamity; Hebrews 11:5-6

b. Elijah – his life was in danger; he fled from Jezebel and hid in a cave. He was “translated” after a season of persecution and famine; 1 Kings 17:1-9; 19:1-4.


4. As It Was In The Days Of  Noah And Lot; Matthew 24:37-42; Luke 17:26-37

a. Noah – was obedient; all in the Ark were “married”, and “shut in” before the flood.

b. Lot – was carnal; he was “snatched” by angels, led to safety on the same day fire fell.


5. Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen; Matthew 22:14

a. The CHOSEN are the Bride, married to the Lamb at the Wedding. They are IN the throne, and will rule and reign with Christ; Rev. 3:21; 20:6.

b. The CALLED are invited to the Marriage Feast (Wedding Reception); Luke 12:36. They are BEFORE the throne, and will have administrative roles in the Kingdom.


6. Based Upon The Pattern Of The Four “Watches”; Mark 13:35

a. At Even (evening) – (1st watch), this “resurrection” was fulfilled on 33 AD, when Jesus arose with His Sheaf of translated ones; Matt. 27:52-53; Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:2.

b. At Midnight – (2nd watch), the Bride is translated. This is for believers who are “ready with their oil” and watching”; Matthew 25:6. This is the “Day of Christ”, our gathering together unto Him; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Thess. 2:1-4; Philippians 1:6.

c. At The Cockcrowing – (3rd watch), this is the main harvest, the “multitude” which no man can number; Rev. 7:9-17. This is the “Day of the Lord”. These tribulation saints are “translated” prior to the outpouring of God’s wrath; Rev. 6:17;16:15.

d. In The Morning – (4th watch), this group is the “gleanings”, the resurrection on the Last Day; John 11:24; Mark 13:27; Matt. 24:30-31. This is Israel’s Day of Redemption (transfiguration); 2 Peter 1:19; Romans 11:26. The Lord Jesus