Rhonda (22 Nov 2013)
"Rene: Can Someone PLEASE Explain This?"

I'm sure there are much more learned peoples than I on this subject, but I understand EXACTLY how you feel. We are called "watchers" or "watchmen on the wall," if you will. THAT'S why we watch; we have been appointment by God to watch. It's not something we ask for, I don't think, or something we don't ask for. I believe it is given to a few who long for His appearing, as you said, at all times, no matter good, bad or mediocre. 

I've been a watcher since I read Hal Lindsey's "Late, Great Planet Earth" in the 1970's, but I fervently became a watcher in 2005. I've longed and pined for Him day in and day out, watching and waiting for His return. 

If one is not a watcher for Jesus, then you are right when you say that others really don't understand. I've had people say to me that I shouldn't long to go Home because there's just so much to do here right now. DON'T THEY GET IT?!? When we're in Heaven, who gives a rip what we had to do here on earth? WE'LL BE WITH JESUS! CAN IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!!!!! That being said, He does say we are to occupy until He comes, and to me that means living as best as I can to give Him glory while I'm here. 

It seems to me that people are working too hard to make life TODAY be happy and calm, and are not looking forward to another time and place where there won't be any work to make that happen. It will just BE because Jesus will be there. 

Jesus has my heart. I love my family, my friends, my church family. But given the choice to stay here or be Raptured, I'd choose the Rapture. 

I hope this helps to some extent. You might also go to www.Raptureintheairnow.com. This is a forum of like-minded individuals who are longing for Christ's return. Many of us here on FiveDoves also go to that site for encouragement and fellowship. It can't be too much longer, Rene. I'm sure He's as anxious to have us with Him as we are to be there with Him.