Renee M (30 Nov 2013)
"Re: Barry Amundsen (22 Nov 2013) "Thank you Renee Moses""

Dear Barry,
Thank you for your kind words. It has been a long journey. It started 13 years ago for me, but the last 1 1/2 years have been really when the Lord started to give me so much revelation. It sure would have been easier on me if He'd just given me all of the pieces of the puzzle from the start and I could've just put them all together and finished the puzzle a long time ago. I know He must've had His reasons for just giving me one piece at a time. It certainly has led to me learning to trust Him more and lean on Him constantly for more understanding and revelation. And it also led to me having over 1800 subscribers on YouTube, which I never would have had if He had just given me the entire puzzle and I put it together all at once. Everytime I posted new videos on YouTube, I would add a few hundred more people to my subscription list. I believe some of these people who are watching my videos (and many are mocking) will be the ones who are left behind to bring the message that God has shown me to the world. They will play an important role in the millions who will come to Christ because of something I write. So, I know that God had his reasons for doing it the way He did. I'm just glad it's over and the puzzle is finished. I have thought that many times before, but this time I know it because He has given me so many confirmations and continues almost everyday to give me more.

Two days ago, I was just sitting in a meeting and the Lord just dropped this into my spirit: the 2300 mornings and evenings in Daniel 8 are actually 2200 mornings and evenings, or 1100 days. They start on the first day of Hanukkah and end on the 7th/8th day of Hanukkah 3 years later.

Wow! I was just blown away when He dropped this into my spirit. Like, where did that come from? I've never even thought much about the 2300 mornings and evenings before or what it meant, because I really just had no idea anything about it. And then He just like throws that at me out of nowhere. I wasn't studying it or sitting at a computer trying to research it. It all just came to me so suddenly. It never gets old when He does that - everytime it's so amazing and mind-blowing and I feel so honored that He shows me these things. I know He hasn't shown me everything and I don't have all the answers, but He has shown me so many things over the last 1 1/2 years that I cannot even fathom why He would choose to show me when there are so many other people in the world more interested than I am about end-time Bible prophecy. The only thing that comes to mind is when Jesus said that the Father hides things from the wise and learned and reveals them to little children. I'm not the most educated person and my interest was definitely not end-time prophecy. And yet, God just decides to show things to me about what prophecies mean and show me how they are fulfilled, and somehow it seems that very few other people can see these things. It does make me feel honored and quite humbled.

I cannot wait to see Him. And I know He feels the same way about me - even more so from what He tells me. I know that He is counting down the days until we can meet face-to-face. And not just me, but so many of you also. He's even more excited than we are!

Here are my latest 2 videos about what the Lord showed me about the 1100 days and also about Daniel 9:27 pointing right to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah!


The Abomination that causes Desolation took place on March 22, 2013 (parts 3-4)

Dear Renee Moses,
Thank you for your hard work and diligence to understand and keep reporting to us what you have learned. I am blessed. I confess that at times I was unsure what to make of your explanations of things and I wondered if you and others, who were also making similar statements about events fulfilling prophecies, were reading into these events meanings that were not true.
Having watched your 3 videos just posted, I now see the big picture and I have to admit that it looks like you are correct. The things we assumed to be literal (the temple, the 2 witnesses, the 144,000 etc.) could be symbolic after all like so much of Revelation is. If so, then it looks like we are at last approaching our wedding day so long awaited.
I cannot express enough my gratitude to you for your hard work and faithfulness even in the face of doubters. I never went so far as to express my doubts (I don't think anyway) but I had them. Now you have made me take another look and I await the next few months with a heightened sense of watchfulness (if that is possible) because of your faithfulness.
Thank you also John Tng and all Doves.