Pineman (9 Nov 2013)
"It Is Entirely Plausible That The 2 Witnesses Will Show Up On Easter Sunday 2014 & Here's Why"

Dear John & Fellow Watchers:
I was able to find coherency with the Biblical numbers. Once I dropped the idea that I had to use the non-Biblical numbers 2520 & 2550 everything else fell into place. Of course this may be just speculation but it could also be the real deal so prayerfully consider:
April 01, 2014 - Nisan 01 - New Year
April 10, 2014 - Nisan 10 - Jesus enters Jerusalem - Passover Lamb is selected
April 17, 2014 - Nisan 17 - Jesus is resurrected on the Jewish Calendar
April 20, 2014 - Easter Sunday (First Fruits) on the Christian Calendar - the 2 witnesses begin their ministry.
June 04, 2014 - Sivan 06 - Jewish Pentecost

The number of largest duration mentioned in the Bible is 2300. From Jewish Pentecost 2014 (June 04, 2014) to Rosh Hashanah 2020 (Sept. 19,2020) is 2300 days.
The next largest number is 1335. There are 1335 days from Nisan 17, 2014 (April 17, 2014) - Jewish Day of Jesus' Resurrection - to the the first day of Chanukak beginning the evening of December 12, 2017.
The Autumn of 2017 does seem to be some kind of turning point because the last 2 numbers (1290 & 1260) also pivot around this time frame while at the same time marking important events.
There are 1290 days from Nisan 01, 2014 to Shimini Atzeret 2017 (Oct. 12, 2017).
If the 2 Witnesses begin their ministry on Easter Sunday 2014 then their resurrection will be on October 04, 2017 Yom Kippur; 1263.5 days later.
