Neil Lipken (30 Nov 2013)
"Israel will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon."

There is very little time left now before Iran will be able to develop nuclear weapons.  The Iranians are insistent that they will not stop their nuclear program, and they continue to quite publicly threaten Israel.  In the next couple of weeks an agreement will likely be signed in Geneva easing economic sanctions on Iran and giving them license to continue their nuclear program.  If this happens, then Israel will likely not have any need to wait any further, and will likely attack Iran.  And this will very likely engage the "sudden destruction" / Rapture.

The vast majority of people (and Christians and pastors!) are right now soundly asleep------zzzzzzzz.  Life is very normal right now.  People are "eating, drinking, buying, selling, building, planting, marrying and giving in marriage", exactly as scripture relates it should be right before the Rapture!  I have often thought of the sheer frustration Noah must have felt trying desperately to wake people up as to the impending flood.  But it was to no avail!  Only he and seven other people (his family) escaped the flood!  Destruction came upon the others!  Same thing today!

We are 65 1/2 years into the End Times from the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948.  From the parable of the fig tree in the Bible, we are the generation to see all end time prophetic events fulfilled, including the Second Coming.  The Lord is not going to wait much longer before the trumpet sounds, and those EAGER to be with the Lord will rise to meet Him in the air!
