Mary Anna (22 Nov 2013)
"Middle East News: One More Layer of Protection"
 One More Layer of Protection

The Israeli Defense Ministry announced yesterday a second successful test of a new missile defense system known as Davidıs Sling. Israel already has working short range (Iron Dome) and long range (Arrow 2) anti-missile systems, but that leaves a gap which is now being filled. Davidıs Sling is capable of responding not only to mid-range ballistic missiles but also to drones and aircraft as well.

The need for this system was highlighted recently when Hezbollah twice penetrated Israeli airspace with drone aircraft believed to have been supplied by Iran. Standard anti-aircraft weaponry often cannot deal with small and stealthy drones.

Having Davidıs Sling operational would offer a new layer of protection to the people of Israel from the threat of attack. Analysts believe that
Source: AP      Israeli Missiles
Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon and Syria have between 70,000 and 100,000 medium range missiles ready to use against Israel in a future conflict.
Source: AP    Israelis Seek Shelter as Sirens Sound
Because most of us do not live in a place where we face constant danger it is hard for us to appreciate what the Jewish People face on a daily basis. The very real fear that at any moment warning sirens for an attack could sound leaving just minutes‹or in some cases seconds‹to find shelter is a fear that thankfully I have never known. Yet that is reality for the people of Israel.
In this environment of uncertainty and danger, Jewish Voice is working every day to minister help and hope to the Jewish People. We work with more than two dozen ministry partners to show the love of Yeshua in action by meeting needs for food, shelter, counseling and more as well as building up Messianic congregations and outreaches.  All of this is possible because of the generous financial support of friends like you.  Your contribution today will help us continue to minister to the people of Israel during these difficult days.  Thanks so much for being part of this vital work.  God bless you.
To the Jew first and also to the Nations,
Jonathan Bernis