Marilyn Agee (9 Nov 2013)
"KML (7 Nov 2013) "RE: Frank Molver, Marilyn Agee, Bruce Baber""

From: Marilyn Agee

> You asked me " Do you believe that some have experienced [heaven] or > [hell] while still alive  Perhaps seeing their loved ones while their?

> No Sir; I' do not...

> I believe there are [none] who come here from the dead; to testify to us > among the living....

I believe those two men that appeared at Jesus' Ascension were Moses and Elijah.

> Are there souls who visit us from beyond the grave, loved ones, or not; > in order to [testify] unto us [anything] from heaven or hell ?

> Dear reader of this letter, with [all] respect to you and your > situation, I do not believe these whom you have seen or heard are [that] > which you believe they were and are.

If you saw what I saw, talked with him, and saw him walk through the wall, you would believe it was real.

> I believe there are [none] who come here from the dead; to testify to us > among the living.
BECAUSE we have [not only] the WORDS of Moses and the Prophets, BUT the WORDS of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
In this wonderful King James Bible.

You are free to believe whatever seems right to you. Man's test is whether or not we will accept Christ in spite of being created unable to see God. It seems that this was done to prove a point to Satan. If man, not being able to see God could still obey him, the Lord would be proved just in consigning the fallen angels to prison. They could see God and failed their test.

I believe that some people have literally experienced Heaven or Hell, and have been sent back to tell their families and friends what those trips were like.

When we had our Spring Crest Drapery store, a customer told me that he had died on the operating table twice during heart surgery, and had been taken to Heaven. He had no reason to bring up the subject if it wasn't true.

One of our carpet reps had a heart attack and died. He went to Heaven and was sent back. Then he went about sharing his experience with his customers, a total turnaround from his conversation on prior visits.

A man, a painter and part-time gold miner, bringing his wife with him, drove 40 miles to visit me and tell me of his experience. He had died and gone to hell. When allowed to come back, he made a total about-face, accepted Jesus with all his heart, and shared his experience with others constantly. He carried his Bible on the truck seat beside him wherever he went.

I believe those things are true.

I guarantee you that the following things are true. They happened to me.

I saw a rectangle of light on Jer. 50:2 in a darkened room. It said, "Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces."

Once, demons attempted to smother me to death. I couldn't move a muscle, talk, or breathe. I screamed in my mind, "Jesus! make them quit!" Residing in me, he made them quit just before I would have passed out.

Another time, the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night and said, "Be still, and know that I am God."

Another time, I had a dream. My husband Ed and I were in Heaven walking up toward a huge doorway in a large building that looked like a warehouse with aluminum-siding. A boy that I had brought to the Lord ran up to me and hugged me, then got lost in the crowd. Inside, we were seated on benches by long tables covered with white tablecloths, and served food. I turned around looking for salt, and saw that boy a few rows back and across the middle aisle. He had made it to heaven by the skin of his teeth. Right after he accepted Christ (after reading my letters with Bible studies in them), he stepped on a mine in Viet Nam and was killed.

White headed, my husband Ed died at 87, Dec. 27, 2011. On the following April 2, he visited me in his celestial body. I was propped up in bed to watch TV, but had not turned it on yet. Dressed in what looked like black silk, and black shoes, he strode into the room at a good clip with an ear to ear grin on his face.

I recognized him instantly and asked,
"Are you 30 or 33?" He said, "33," and looked it. He had his dark brown hair back.
"Can we be together forever?" He said, "Yes." (Oh, joy. I couldn't be happy otherwise.)
"Are there female angels in heaven?" He said, "Yes."
"Have you gotten with your family?" He said, "Yes."
"Have you gotten with my family?" He said, "Yes."
"Do you have a piano?" He said, "Yes," and walked through the wall, clothing and all.

> Marilyn please read the 20th chapter of Revelation.
Verse 5)
But the rest of the DEAD lived NOT {until} the thousand years were finished;
This is the First resurrection.

There are a few exceptions to the general rules. Paul was caught up to the third Heaven, (1) Mars, (2) Jupiter, and (3) Saturn.

2Co 12:1-4 says, "It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2  I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3  And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4  How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter."

Two men appeared talking with Jesus just before he ascended. I think they were Moses and Elijah. They also appeared at the Transfiguration, which applies to the time of the First Rapture.

At the time of the First Resurrection, all believers will be resurrected. They will receive their rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven on the Day of God's Wrath on Earth.

Rev 11:15-19 says, "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. 16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, 17  Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come (i.e., the Second Advent is 7 months future; Eze. 39:12,13); because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. 18  And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. 19  And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail."

The rest of the dead will be judged at the Great White Throne judgment at the end of the Millennium.

I don't know how the clothing and shoes on Ed went through the wall, or how the clothing hung on his body, but they did those things. I saw how the pant leg flowed around his shin as if his body was solid. I'll have to find out how that works after I get to heaven.

Marilyn Agee

 KML (7 Nov 2013)
"RE: Frank Molver, Marilyn Agee, Bruce Baber"

Hello Frank and fellow Doves

Thank you for your letters
God Bless you this day and everyday until HE comes.

Your Letters:

Allow me to share these words of the Lord.
LUKE 6:43-49 KJV
For a GOOD tree bringeth [not] forth cprrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
For every tree [is] known by his own fruit, For of thorns men do [not] gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.
A good man out of the good treasure (of his heart) bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure (of his heart) bringeth forth that which is evil (:)
for of the abundance of the heart his [mouth] speaketh.
And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do [not] the things which I' say?
Whosoever commeth to me, and heareth  MY SAYINGS, and doeth them, I WILL SHEW YOU TO WHOM HE IS LIKE(:)

He is like a man which [built a house,] and [digged deep,] and [laid the foundation on a rock:] and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon (that house.) and (could not shake it:) for it was founded upon a rock.

But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house [upon the earth;] against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

Luke 8:15 KJV
But that on good ground are {they,] which in an [honest and good heart,] having heard [the word,] keep it, and bring forth fruit with [patience.]

I am NO MAN's Judge.
Not even my own, for God knows the hearts of men fully.

I am a servant unto the Lord, and His Word, and not a servant [or should I say follower] of ANY media minister.
I will listen to their words and watch their actions, BUT only God knows where [they] are in their hearts, and The Holy Spirit will TEACH US all things.
HIM I trust, he is my foundation upon the rock of Christ Jesus.

You asked me " Do you believe that some have experienced [heaven] or [hell] while still alive  Perhaps seeing their loved ones while their?

No Sir; I' do not.

BUT, we are given the story of Lazarus, for the purpose of [knowing in our hearts] that there is a place for the [just] and the [unjust] after death.

Luke 16:23-25 KJV
And [IN HELL) he lift up his eyes, being in torment(s), and seeth Abraham [a far off, and Lazarus,] in his bosom.
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, [have mercy on me, and (send) Lazarus,] that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, [and cool my tongue;] for I am tormented in this [flame.]



Then he (unjust) said, I PRAY THEE THEREFORE [FATHER,] THAT THOU WOULDEST [SEND] HIM ( the just) TO MY FATHER'S HOUSE(:) For I have FIVE brethren; that he may [testify unto them,] lest they (also) come into THIS PLACE OF TORMENT.

Abraham saith unto him, They have MOSES and the PROPHETS; (LET THEM HEAR THEM.)
And he said , NAY, Father Abraham(:) BUT IF [ONE] WENT UNTO THEM (FROM THE DEAD,) they will repent.

And he said unto him, IF THEY (HEAR NOT) MOSES AND THE PROPHETS, (NEITHER) will  THEY be PERSUADED, (THROUGH) "ONE" rose from the Dead.

I believe there are [none] who come here from the dead; to testify to us among the living.
BECAUSE we have [not only] the WORDS of Moses and the Prophets, BUT the WORDS of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
In this wonderful King James Bible.

Luke 24:4-8 KJV
And it came to pass, as [they] were much perplexed thereabout,  BEHOLD, two men stood by them in SHINING GARMENTS(:) AND THEY WERE (AFRAID,) and bowed down their faces to the earth, [they] said unto them, WHY SEEK YE THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD ?

HE is [not] here, BUT IS RISEN(:) [REMEMBER] how he spake unto [you] WHEN HE WAS YET IN GALILEE, saying, (The Son of man [must] be delivered into the [hands of sinful men,] and be crucified, and the THIRD DAY RISE AGAIN.)

Praise the LORD !


Are there souls who visit us from beyond the grave, loved ones, or not; in order to [testify] unto us [anything] from heaven or hell ?

Dear reader of this letter, with [all] respect to you and your situation, I do not believe these whom you have seen or heard are [that] which you believe they were and are.

Marvel Not !

If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent  perverting of judgment and justice in a province, MARVEL NOT at the matter(:) for HE that is HIGHER THAN THE HIGHEST REGARDETH; and there be [higher] than [they].

Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in that which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice.

Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.

And no Marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

That old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, [which deceiveth the whole world] (:)
Ecclesiastes 5:8 KJV
John 3:7 KJV
John 5:28 KJV
1 John 3:13 KJV
2 Corinthians 11:14 KJV
Revelation 12:9 KJV

Marilyn please read the 20th chapter of Revelation.
Verse 5)
But the rest of the DEAD lived NOT {until} the thousand years were finished;
This is the First resurrection.

The Rapture is "the Transformation " ( SHALL BE CHANGED in the twinkling of an eye.) NEW bodies at His coming, not just the raising of the dead. BUT
The changing from corruptible to in-corruptible FORMS.
John 3:2 KJV
Beloved, (NOW) are (we) the sons of God, AND IT DOTH NOT YET APPEAR  WHAT WE (SHALL BE ( but we know that, when he SHALL APPEAR,) we  shall  be [ like him; ] for we shall SEE him [as] he IS.

Whatever FORM that IS. We will be like HIM
These in Tribulation are given white robes and ask to WAIT a little SEASON until the rest are killed [as they were,] to be fulfilled. Thus they are in [spiritual form]  wearing white robes, until the First resurrection of the dead after the thousand years are past.
Their FORM is spiritual, but [not] as we perceive a ghost as the world today presents them to be. That they pass through objects and things are not disturbed.
THESE have a spiritual DNA [form] where a ROBE will Hang on them.
There has to be a [mass] in order to hang a robe upon them . Amen ?
Wasn't our Lord clothed when he appeared to the deciples after his resurrection? Yes
Didn't our Lord eat and drink with them in that form? Yes
Did he pass through the wall in that form ? Yes
Didn't Thomas put his fingers in the wounds of his hands ? Yes
He was touchable, he had a mass to his form.
That is why John said; it doth not yet appear [what] we shall be. but when he appears, we shall be [changed] ( according to Paul) and we shall be like him.

Consider this (also) when we are ruling and reigning with Christ, we will be righteous judges in our translated form.
We [cannot] be swayed  or bribed by those whom we are to judge over here upon the earth.
We will [not] have need for any thing.
For those who wish to [not]  abide according to the Lord's rule, we are to say to them.
An EXAMPLE of this type of rule is found in Exodus 18 :13-27 KJV

BLESSED are those who take part in THAT first resurrection, where the SECOND death hath no power.
Revelation 2:11 KJV
Revelation 20:6 KJV
Revelation 20:14 KJV
Revelation 21:8 KJV

Please read Job 33
JOB 33:14 KJV

JOB 33: 23-26 KJV
If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his righteousness; Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.
His flesh shall be fresher than a child's; he shall return to the days of his youth:
He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man his righteousness.

The false church, and the ungodly, will be part of the second death.
Thus the saying;
Born twice, die ONCE, or be translated at the Rapture.
Born ONCE die twice, in the second death, by the lake of fire.
Read Jude 10- 15 KJV

May you all be blessed and Kept unto the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.