Louis A. Romo (22 Nov 2013)
"Why I agree with Jim Bramlett’s  “The Rapture is in 2013"

Greetings John,, please consider posting this for me.
Thanks in advance, Louie Romo in Stockton, Ca
Why I agree with Jim Bramlett’s  “The Rapture is in 2013
We have seen on Five Doves over the years countless ways of calculating when the rapture will occur; from visions to dreams to extensive charts counting days countless ways.
Following is why I consider Jim Bramlett’s posting of ‘Official Announcement : The Rapture is in 2013 - YouTube  (NOV 15TH) VERY highly possible. I feel the rapture is now so close that I feel Jesus Our Lord and Savior is already in the clouds above us; playing with us  where we try to hit the rapture date with a dart on a spinning wheel having all the days of the year and appointed festivals. Mine guess is 24th day of Kislev, NEXT WEEK ON WEDNESDAY THE 27TH.
Over many years I have talked to our Lord Jesus whenever I lost something and could not find it.  Many times I would look for days or hours and then cry out, “Lord, if you want me to do so and so please let me find my stuff”…..usually within a minute I would find what I had lost!  That was my signal to proceed with whatever I thought was my next 'assignment" from the Lord.
Last week I lost the keys for 3-4 days to my storage shed. Finally I cried out to the Lord and asked if HE was coming 2013 to please let me find the keys - - -A few minutes later I had to go to the car and when I sat down I put my hand on a side pocket and there were the keys.  Today I got further “confirmation”.  A month ago I bought a packet of small drill bits and immediately lost them.  I have looked almost every day for them to no avail. I needed them again today and, this time, I cried out unto our Lord, IF YOU ARE COMING THIS YEAR PLEASE LET ME FIND THEM. With a minute I found them in a jar!
I say the above;  long ago having been an “officially trained watchman on the wall,” and not as a “THUS SAITH THE LORD” statement. In the Air Force Security Service from 1954 to 1964 I worked first as an intercept operator of soviet communications and later as an Intelligence Analyst Reporter.  Every time I saw Soviet bombers take off and head for The Satellite countries or go over the Arctic toward America we were required to issue reports even though we knew there was no poised threat.  Today as an old man I still feel the same way - - - I still feel obligated to report any possible rapture date or seeing certain  war indicators.
It seems as if throughout my entire life major events always happened on the 27th day of the month. I left home on the 27th day of June 1954. Was discharged on the 27th, my youngest daughter got married on the 27th. Looking back, many of my e-mail messages I sent out to a special list were on the 27th of the month. Many of my air force movements and activities occurred on a 27th. Thus for the past 3-4 decades I always watch the 27th of the month.
Let us remember the 27th of November in the United States is the 24th day of KISLEV. Let us not forget HAGGAI THE PROPHET IS WARNING THE WORLD THAT ONE DAY GOD WILL SHAKE THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH ON THE 24TH DAY OF KISLEV.  World events are such that God is sick and tired of listening to John Kerry and Obama castigate Israel as they stealthily try to help Iran by removing sanctions. If God does shake the earth literally on 24th Kislev/27thNov with major and horrific earthquakes, Israel may take that as a signal from the Lord Hashem and strike Iran.