Laurie (7 Nov 2013)
"Barry, The Shack"

HI Barry,
I saw your posting and the other's that followed.  My heart was saddened as I realized that this was a "eating of things offered to idols" situation.  To some it was okay to eat and not feel condemned, being thankful for the cheap food, to others it was not okay and became a moral stand for them to hold on to.  Since God didn't leave a ruling in the scriptures as to what to do with this food, it became an issue of following one's heart and what condemned them and us, is the heart , one's sense of right and wrong regarding the matter.  Just a side light.  This is an important opportunity for us to start to learn how to discern when the peace of God is sending us messages in our heart.  Is there peace- go for it, if there is no peace-stay away.
  When I read The Shack, I was struck by the thought that God just might want a really personal relationship with me.  I have memorized a lot of scriptures, I knew a lot of rules, but I didn't know God as my dad, only as a stern father figure.  My earthly dad was an involved loving father, so it wasn't hard- even if a little scary at the time to give up what I had thought was normal- to by pass things I had heard in church that helped form my stern father/judge figure, to realize that my heavenly Father wanted to be my dad as well.  What a healing loving thing was accomplished by the reading of that book.  I was hesitant over  a few of the analogies made in the book, but that didn't stop me from daring to dream that the Father wanted that kind of relationship with me.
I ponder a lot on scriptures and I just keep asking the Father to sort it all out for me and let me know what to hold on to as there are so many differing thought regarding so many of the scriptures.  So I did that with this book as well.  Father, let me know what is good for me to glean from this.  It just added to the things that He had been showing me consistently for the last few years on how much He wanted me to join him in our relationship.
So, those that wish to stay away from this book, weren't meant to read it.  Those that are and receive a blessing, are truly blessed.  There is no right or wrong, just the attitude towards each other that we get to express during our Christian walk.