Gino (7 Nov 2013)
"RE: Luis Vega: 11.04.13: statue of liberty"



             I am always blown away by your letters.

They are consistently very, very, very deep, as well as profound.

I’ve enjoyed reading things that you have written.

I also agree whole heartedly about the demise & judgment of America.

Thank you for being bold enough to call it out.


There was one thing that I had always thought a little differently on, and have been passionate about, for many years.

First, for about half of my life, before I was born again, I used to be Roman Catholic.

Before I was saved, I was a full-blown idolater.

My family always buried a St Joseph statue to help sell the house, whenever we moved.

I used to pray to my patron saint, as well as to St Anthony & St Christopher, as the needs arose.

I had graven images of Jesus on crosses (i.e. crucifixes).

I used to pray the rosary abundantly, five equal parts, each with 10 prayers to the queen of heaven vs. 1 prayer to the Father (10:1 ratio).

I used to adore and worship the queen of heaven, like the Ephesians adored & worshipped Diana.

I won’t call what I worshipped, “Mary”, because it wasn’t her, it was an evil spirit, whom I’d rather refer to as the queen of heaven.

I had images of her, and even decorated one in the yard, in May, even leaving food there for the image (exactly like leaving a cookie for Santa Claus).

When I got saved, I repented of my worship of the queen of heaven, and I repented of my idolatry, including all my graven images.

The 2nd commandment really got to me:


Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:


I took it seriously and got rid of all my graven images, even the little ones that I previously used for worship, under a tree, in December.

Then I noticed a couple other things in the scriptures:


John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


Jesus makes us free, it comes from him.


II Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.


Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!

So, the idea of personifying “liberty” as a woman, and making a graven image of her, is exactly what Gentiles have been doing since probably Babel.

Other things had been personified, for example, with Athena, Aphrodite, Sophia, and the “Fates”, and others.

The people in Tiananmen Square, during their great protest, desired to emulate America.

They made a large bust of a woman, and called it the “goddess of liberty”.

They knew that the statue of liberty was no different than what the ancient Greeks did.

The idolatry was clear to them, it is only confusing to Christians in America.

We in America cannot see that it is an abomination, like golden calf to Israel, or like the ones they had in Dan & Bethel.

How dare we make an image of a woman, and call her “Liberty”, and honor her, when the truth is, “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”?

It was made by the French, and was accepted as a gift by secularists in this country.

However, born again Christians should have no part with that abomination.

Yet, in our churches, we put up small ones, and honor her, on the 4th of July, like the Ephesians did Diana.

Shame on us!

The real provocation is not by the lost, but by the LORD’s own people, blowing smoke up his nostrils with our idolatry.

                          Thank you,
