Gerry Almond (22 Nov 2013)
"It is coming apace...keep looking up!"

I believe the following to be true as of this date, November 21, 2013.  I present this as an analysis for your consideration.  Our going home could be very, very soon.


“Comet” ISON (I-SON) is at the very least the sign of the Son of Man.  Matthew 24:29-31 reads:  “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give its light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken.  And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see th4e Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.  And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, fron one end of heaven to the other.” (King James Version)  


1.  The sun will be darkened  (vs. 29)

2.  The moon will not give her light (vs. 29)

3.  The stars must fall from heaven (vs. 29)

4.  The powers of heaven must be shaken (vs. 29)

5.  The sign of the Son of Man must appear in heaven (vs. 30)

6.  The tribes of the earth must ALL mourn (vs. 30)

7.  The Son of Man will be seen coming in the CLOUDS of heaven with power and        great glory. (vs. 30)

8.  The angels must be sent by Him to gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (vs. 31).


This takes place immediately after the “tribulation of those days”.  This is not God’s Wrath known as the GREAT TRIBULATION, but rather the first part of the troubles, which began in September 2008 with a massive economic downturn worldwide.


Consider each of the 8 things above in light of ISON coming now:


1.  November 3, 2013 will see a total eclipse of the sun (sun darkened)

2.  November 4,5,6, will be the new moon (moon not give its light)

3.  November 7, according to NASA is when ISON will first become visible to the eye.  It was also Billy Graham’s “swan song” to the world.

4.  ISON has a tail that is 16 million miles long.  It may be pushing meteors, meteorites and small comets before and after it.  These may impact the earth, and if so, probably softly as it goes by on it way to the sun, but as it comes back, if it survives its close brush with the sun, it may cause great destruction, power failure and the powers of heaven will be shaken.  Some expect a coronal mass ejection caused by the comet’s near passage or even crash into the sun, which in turn may cause power grid damage.  If extensive enough, this could push civilization back to the level of the 1800’s and negate man’s ability to wage cyber war.  No missiles could be launched and all war would return to foot and horse.  (This is the way it is described in the Revelation as the world comes to Armageddon).

5.  ISON may be and is, I think, the sign of the Son of Man.  It is I-SON.  On December 16th, there will be a conjunction of earth at the top, Venus at one side and ISON at the other side forming a perfect triangle in the heavens.  When a line is sighted from earth at the top to the sun, a perfect cross appears.  Is this the sign of the Son of man.

6.  All peoples will mourn if ALL of the world’s children disappear in the rapture event.  That would certainly affect every tribe on earth. 

7.  Earthlings will see the Son of Man in His glory and may even see the saints go up.  If so, they will see Him come in power and great glory in the clouds as Matthew says.

8.  Angels will gather all God’s elect together, thereby bringing the Jewish people back home to Israel.  Then, God will proceed to destroy any nation (U. S.) that has turned against Him and embraced abominations like homosexuality, abortion, etc.


These events, and thus these verses of Scripture, which have been ascribed by theologians in the past to the second coming and not to the rapture may instead be ascribed to the rapture and not the second coming.  Consider that at the time of the second coming, there is little of the world left so it could not be then as some teach.  It has been largely destroyed and the armies of the world, such as they are, are at Armageddon.  So all tribes, for example, could not mourn because they exist no longer. 


There will be, of course, several weeks over which all of this occurs.  But the start seems to be the rare hybrid eclipse Nov 3.  The sign of the Son of Man may appear (as a heavenly cross, perhaps?) but it may be some time before the rapture may occur.  I think we need to look at ISON as much more than just a so-called comet.  I believe it signifies that our God is now coming in power and great glory.


I really, really hope this is the time. 




Gerry Almond