Gerlinda (9 Nov 2013)
"Diane G., MAP & Patty RP; deciphering my dream"

Diane G,  MAP and Patty RP; deciphering my dream.  I appreciate your responses.
First of all, thank you  for your prayers, all of you that prayed for my husband.  If only I could give details of what was done in our family during that week-end, you'd see why I am so awed at God (once again).
Now, all three of you mentioned 1929 and it being the year of the Depression that hit.  Patty, you hit on so many interesting points that I am going to copy your letter on here once again and answer your questions.   
Yes, he was born in 1929.  The two women (angels?) allowing for my much older husband than I, not to be taken but to stay with me for care during the time left is a unique thought as well as the tares being bundled up, taken out to be burned.  I guess, us being seen on an upper floor could mean, "Up and Away" from what is taking place in our midst and possible down the road soon; heading to the Sides of the NORTH instead of south?   It also just occurred to me that the colors of that 1929 Ford being shades of brown & taupe could represent "of the earth".  Very interesting responses.   gerlinda

Dear Gerlinda,

You have my prayers for the full recovery of your husband. I hope and pray he comes home soon for you.

I read about your dream, and I have an interpretation of it. I am thinking that the 1929 vintage Ford represents your husband. In your dream, you see all the houses, even cars, on fire. Two women (angels?) are bringing to you, for safekeeping, a vintage antique of great value (represents an elder man/your husband?) to stay with you in your home.

It would be quite interesting if your husband was born around the year 1929. It could also refer to the depression (which is coming once again), whereas the first one started in 1929.

It would seem as though your house is a “safe house”…where the flames didn’t reach…thank God.

I am reminded of the biblical verses about burning the tares in bundles, but the Lord’s people would be gathered in His barn (Matthew 13:30):

“Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn.”

That car carrier in your dream seems to have had the cars which were on fire (representing tares), bundled, as it “was going out of town” (taken away at the time of harvest).

What an incredible dream!

Again, my prayers go up for you and your husband.


Patty RP