Gail (22 Nov 2013)
"Beat the Law with Terror- I don't want to be right on this one"

Remember that out-going NYC Mayor that I've posted about?
And I've also posted about America's 9/11- 'America's Darkest Hour' (July 2013)
Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says ...
Are we back at square one with terrorism?
This excerpt from Wall Street on Parade-
Nov.7th, 2013 Bloomberg chat rooms is the place where real financial frauds involving potentially trillions of dollars in trades have been occurring for years.  On December 20th 2012, we reported that the Bloomberg chat room was the brand choice for traders plotting to rig the interest-rate benchmark known as Libor. Municipalities and other investors have filed lawsuits alleging that the rigging of this benchmark has cost them billions of dollars in losses. A total of five large international banks have cumulatively paid over  $3.5 billion to settle charges of rigging Libor and other related interest rate benchmarks.
Here's the article-Why Wasn’t the NSA Spying on Bloomberg Chat Rooms Where ...
But a series of regulatory probes into interest-rate rigging and possible manipulation of other markets has turned a spotlight on the chat rooms. The potential for hefty fines and damage to their reputations has some banks considering what would amount to a radical overhaul of the way traders conduct their business.
Is what they're planning more Radical than a radical overhaul?  Well the distinguished NYC Mayor Bloomberg sits at the top of the scandal.
Nov.10th, 2013 A Bunch Of Wall Street Banks Are Considering Blocking Traders ...
Remember I said I thought a terror plot was coming to NYC?
Turns out, the probability is huge- 
Nov.14th, 2013 Guards raise concerns about security at Indian Point
Here's an excerpt-
"Based upon what you know about the security of this Nuclear Plant, should it be allowed to continue operating?" 
"Absolutely not," he said.
"I think people need to know. People need to know how serious this is."
"It doesn't get any more serious in regards to security." 
"It would be funny if it wasn't so scary," said Phillip Musegaas, the Hudson River Program Director at Riverkeeper, a nonprofit organization focused on keeping the Hudson River clean. Riverkeeper has long argued for Indian Point to be closed, over both environmental and security concerns.
"This is Keystone Cops at its worst," he said.
And an obvious concern for Riverkeeper is what the organization says is Indian Point's vulnerable position on the river's edge. Anyone with a boat can go just a few hundred yards from the plant.
"There is absolutely nothing on the water to stop a water-based attack," Musegaas said.
What sits near the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant?
Indian Point units are just outside of New York City.
I don't know unfolding details, something done deliberately to control what's happening to Bloomberg's enterprises, while staying in power, made to look like a terrorist attack?
Martial law for New Yorkers might be coming up.

Ezekiel 33:6  But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

God Bless,