Frank Molver (30 Nov 2013)
"The problem with the Chip being the Mark"


There are some things that I think need to be thought through re the micro chip being the mark of the beast. Some others have brought out some good points.

First of all, it appears to me that the governments intend to implement the micro chip implants in all humans. We know they have already started implementing this in a smaller scale for a while now.
I remember how we discovered the the bar code has 666 encoded in it 30 years ago, now it seems that it also may be in the chip for a tracking device among many other things.

So the part that troubles me is this.
I believe they will place these in babies and young children, mentally handicapped, senile elders, prisoners and the medically incapacitated to name a few. In other words it will be placed in those who are unable to refuse.

Will God send these to hell? I don't think so.

I am not saying you can take the mark KNOWINGLY then try to remove it
I do not think that it changes your DNA like some say.
I do believe that the devil will deceive many into taking this chip before people are forced to worship the beast or die.

So will there be those who receive the chip ignorantly then try to remove it later on when they find out what it really is?
I think so.