Frank Molver (22 Nov 2013)
"Donna re removing the mark"
What I said was just a guess, I did not say it was a fact.
But I will say this, when the judgment comes and people realize what was said about the mark is actually true, then I do believe that many will try to remove that sin, even to the point of cutting off ones hand or gauging out ones eye.
Do you recall the story recently of a rock climber that was solo climbing and got his hand stuck
The only way for him to survive was to cut off his hand, and he did!
How do you think people will react when they see the horrible judgments with their own eyes?
Will God save them if they repent and cut off their hand?
You say no, I say I don't know
But I do believe that as long as a person is alive he has a chance
I am hoping they will come to their senses before any of that happens