Cheryl (30 Nov 2013)
"Number 72 means Wonderful"

The number of tornadoes was updated to 72 on the Weather Channel today November 23, 2013.
I found this on the web:
Number 72 means Wonderful
Several other occasions concerning this number:  We have 70 elders chosen in Numbers 11:14-17 to assist Moses.  These 70, plus Aaron and Moses equal 72 - the 72 who spoke on God's behalf to the people.  Also there were 72 ornaments on the Menorah in the Tabernacle - a symbol of Light- and the oil in it, the Holy Spirit.  Also, there were said to be 72 separate pieces of the veil in the Temple which separated the Holy place from the Most Holy Place.  All these speak of the transmission of God's message.
Additionally, the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint was said to have been translated by 72 Hebrew Scholors (six from each tribe) in 72 days....again a transmission of God's message.  Something else, pertinent in our time - the priestly garments are being remade for Temple service.  The garment of the High Priest has brass bells and pomegranits woven into its hem.  Interestingly, they have decided that 72 of each, alternating around the hem will be used.
His Name shall be called WONDERFUL !!
        Blessings to all Doves and John