Carl Worline (7 Nov 2013)
"What a Coincidence"


What a Coincidence


I was just looking at the calendar and noticed something that is truly an incredible coincidence.  Thanksgiving, a Gentile holiday, and Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday, occur on the same day this year.  This hasn’t happened since 1888 and won’t happen again for another 79,043 years. 

Remember how the angel gave Daniel the prophecy of the 70 weeks?  A prophetic week is 7 years.  Everything came to a grinding halt after 69 weeks when the Jews rejected the Messiah.  God then takes a people for Himself from the Gentiles.  This period of time is known as the Church Age.  Then the Church Age comes to an abrupt halt and the final week (7 years) of the prophecy given to Daniel begins again as God turns His attention from the Gentiles back to His chosen people, the Jews, once more.  This transition point is both a Jewish and a Gentile event, just like our upcoming holiday on the 28th of this month.  What a coincidence indeed.

In Acts 15:13-18 James, the brother of Jesus, explains that Israel was being temporarily set aside while God focused on the Church, taking a people for Himself from among the Gentiles.  After the full number of Gentiles are secured God will take His Church away (in the Rapture) and then return to rebuild His Temple, restore Israel, and give what is left of mankind one final chance to seek Him.

Thanksgiving is an American holiday in which we give thanks to God for all of our blessings.  Unfortunately, America hasn’t been very thankful lately, especially towards God.  In fact, we seem to be doing everything imaginable to officially push God out of our nation.  That seems mighty ungrateful to me considering how generous God has been to us in the past.  Now we want nothing to do with Him as we become more and more sinful.  “Do whatever you want” seems to have become our national creed, or as the famous Satanist Aleister Crowley put it: “Do what thou wilt.”  The sins we are currently indulging in are far too numerous to list here.  America is long overdue for judgment.  As Billy Graham’s wife once put it, “If God doesn’t punish America soon He is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

What makes this “coincidence” even more interesting is that November 29th is the date in history that the UN voted to make Israel a state, back in 1947.  A few months later, on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation.  Could it possibly be that God is going to end the Age of Grace and then turn His attention from the people He is taking for Himself from the Gentiles, and turn His attention back to His chosen people (the Jews) on the same day in history that the UN voted to make Israel a state?  This really is some coincidence, isn’t it?

I have always felt that the rapture will occur in conjunction with the “sudden destruction” mentioned in the Bible.  It would seem logical that God would wait until the very last second to snatch away His bride so as to get every last possible believer who would come to a saving faith in Christ right up to the very last moment.  I have also had a growing feeling for a very long time that something big is about to happen very, very soon.  Thanksgiving is going to be here very soon.  Just a coincidence?

And speaking of coincidences, if the rapture should happen on this day all of the believing Church will be snatched away leaving a shocked and panicking world staring up at the Comet Ison, which will just happen to be at its closest point to the sun.  Ison could very well begin its departure from our solar system at the very moment that Daniel’s 70th week begins, along with the beginning of a 7 year period of tribulation for mankind.  In the Bible, comets have been associated with heavenly warnings of imminent disasters.  Could Comet Ison be a warning of a 7 year period of tribulation?  The timing of Ison is just too perfect to be a coincidence.

Charles from 5 Doves had a vision in which he was shown the rapture would be on a Thursday.  Well, guess what?  The 28th just happens to be a Thursday.  Another coincidence?

While I am on the subject, there is one more coincidence I would like to point out.  Forty days prior to thanksgiving and Hanukkah this year the moon entered the mouth of Pisces.  Three days later it passed out of Pisces.  Below is a link to a short video in which the moon is likened to Jonah.  As you recall from the Bible, Jonah rebelled against God, spent 3 days in the belly of the whale, came out of the whale, and then gave Nineva a 40 day warning to repent or else sudden destruction from God would befall them.  Jesus spoke of a wicked generation and how no sign would be given to them except for the sign of Jonah.  Take a look at this video.  It is short, very well done, and does a much better job of explaining all of this than I can do.


I have been warning my friends that the rapture may happen this Thanksgiving, and most of them feel that I am the one who is the big turkey here.  Every time I bring it up they want me to change the subject.  OK.  Let’s see.  I was just looking at the news this morning and saw that a major canal in the Netherlands has just turned a very Biblical blood red.  None of the “experts” have any idea as to how it happened but are absolutely convinced that it couldn’t possibly be in any way prophetic.

Oh well, this is all probably just a long string of mathematically impossible coincidence.  After all, thanksgiving and Hanukkah are going to fall on the same day once again in another 79,043 years, except without the comet of course.  In order for something to be prophetic enough to convince today’s world that the end is near we would need something like a plague of Biblical proportions of crazed democratically voting locust attacking the first born of every household during a 3 day period of darkness in which all of the bodies of water in the Islamic world would turn into HIV tainted blood as huge hailstones mixed with fire and burning sulfur (brimstone) fell from the sky on some really obscure Jewish feast day during which a gay pride rally was also being held.

Then they would believe me.


Carl Worline