Susanna Petrie (10 Nov 2012)
"To Renee M.  and all doves regarding possible Hannukah confirmation"


Renee, thank you for posting those great articles regarding Hanukkah.   I am more excited about this day of possibility for Rapture than I have been in a LONG time!!!!

Back in 2009 I had a "mini" vision, more of a glimpse, but it was definitely supernatural.   I wrote of it here:

I was thumbing through a date book I had bought for a nursing program I had begun in December of 2009 (three year warning?).   When I flipped to December I had a very clear, distinct "glimpse" of square golden cobblestones.  I flipped back to November gone, December there.   Yet it seemed to be a little ways into December, not on the first.   Just how Hanukkah is this year, a week in.   I Graduate this coming March, so this is the LAST December that my Datebook will be applicable.

I have also been wondering if the miracle of the oil from the lamps is the tie into the 10 virgins parable.  It really is that simple.   Trust God to fill your lamps with oil.  That is where the oil comes from and the only way to please God is with Faith that He is the supplier.   This day speaks deeply to my soul!!    I firmly believe I will see you all soon!!

Blessings, Susanna