In yesterday's post, we learned that Nov. 28--29th, the time of the Palestinians' petition to the United Nations, for independent statehood, is the converging date of the very Satanic numbers of 333 and 33. Nov. 28, 2012, is the 333rd day of the year, and 33 is the number of days from Nov. 29th to the end of 2012. There are no numbers more Satanic than 33 and 333 and 3333.Today we learn that it is EXACTLY 33 weeks from Apr. 11, 2012, the EXACT midpoint of the Final 7 Years, to Nov. 28, 2012. God MARKED APR. 11, 2012, AS THE MIDPOINT OF THE FINAL 7 YEARS, as it was THE DAY OF THE EARTHQUAKES, with an 8.6, the largest slip earthquake in recorded history, an 8.2, and many other large earthquakes, on this very same day. During the past year, there have been NO other 8.0+ earthquakes, anywhere in the world. But on God's MARKED DAY OF APR. 11, 2012, THE EXACT MIDPOINT OF THE FINAL 7 YEARS, THERE WERE TWO 8.0+ EARTHQUAKES.The date of Nov. 28--29th now has at least THREE AMAZING markers of 33 and 333 pointing directly at it. It certainly appears that the Satanic New World Order has MARKED this day for a reason. The dividing of God's Holy Land is sure to arouse the wrath of our Lord God. Is God about to MARK Nov. 28--29 as another extremely important day on His Prophetic calendar??? We do not have long to find out. Surely, we live in extraordinary Prophetic days! What a privilege to be the generation that is alive to see the culmination of this amazing end-times Prophetic puzzle! Extremely exciting, yet cataclysmic and sobering for most of the world.In another fascinating calculation, one can observe that it is EXACTLY 33 inclusive days from the Antichrist's, Barack Hussein Obama's, re-election, on Nov. 6th, to the Biblical day of the year, for World War 3 (Haggai 2), Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 8, 2012.Did anyone else notice the time of the night when Obama was declared the winner of the U.S. Presidential election? I was alternating between Fox News and CNN, for coverage of the election. It was like both channels were racing to see who could declare the winner first. After 11:00 p.m., EST, when the polls were closing on the West Coast, everything seemed to go on Fast Forward. It went from supposedly being a tight race, with MANY key states too close to call, to Obama being declared the winner in just 18 minutes. CNN declared Obama the winner at EXACTLY 11:18. I immediately switched back to Fox News. At the very same time, they were also declaring Obama the winner.The grand announcement, of the re-election of the Antichrist, took place at EXACTLY 11:18 p.m., EST, on both major networks. It almost seemed like this was their pre-destined time. It almost seemed like this was their goal. How perfectly appropriate that the Antichrist should be announced the winner at precisely 11:18. 11:18 (6 + 6 + 6). 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. 666--The number of the Antichrist, who had just been re-elected. The Prophetic meaning of the number ELEVEN makes it even more fascinating. Eleven is the number of JUDGMENT and DISORDER.Was the timing of the announcement declaring Obama, the Antichrist, the winner, just a coincidence? At Obama's election, in 2008, the following day, the state of Illinois. the state where Obama was senator and before that, community organizer, announced their winning number, in the Illinois state lottery, as 6-6-6. Just another coincidence.I seriously doubt it. God has His way of revealing clues, and marker dates, that go way beyond being just coincidence. I believe these clues were set in place by our Lord, just like all of the amazing and compelling clues that He set forth on each of the key dates of the Final 7 Years from the Fall of 2008 to the Fall of 2015 (See previous posts on and my website at:JUDGMENT had just been pronounced on the United States, at 11:18 p.m., EST, for RE-ELECTING THE ANTICHRIST.Because of God's JUDGMENT now resting on our country, and the entire world, as the Word says, in Revelation 13:7, "and power was given unto him (the Beast) over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and NATIONS", We have every reason to now expect the DISORDER of World War 3 and the Great Tribulation to soon follow. The pre-planned Sudden Destruction of WW3 is now developing very quickly. Could it be the date that is emphasized THREE TIMES in Haggai 2, Hanukkah Eve?In the year of 2012, that would be Dec. 7--8th, EXACTLY 40 DAYS (the Sign of Jonah) from Superstorm Sandy. This ominously looming date is EXACTLY THREE years from the start of the Millennium, Dec. 7--8, 2015. It is the anniversary date, for the U.S., for World War 2, at Pearl Harbor. It is the anniversary date, in 1917, when Gen. Allenby rescued the Jews from 40 years of Turkish rule. It is EXACTLY one year from the day when Obama and his cronies made a mock celebration of Hanukkah, an unexplained, and mysterious two weeks early. Most importantly, Hanukkah Eve, Dec. 7--8th is the Biblical day of the year set forth THREE TIMES in Haggai 2, for the Sudden Destruction of World War 3. Surely this is a VERY HIGH RAPTURE/SUDDEN DESTRUCTION ALERT DAY!!!Even so, Come, Lord Jesus! We welcome, and eagerly anticipateYour Returning!Maranatha!Ron Reese