Ron Reese (20 Nov 2012)
"The date of Nov. 29th--An OMINOUS SIGN!"

On Nov. 29, 1947, the United Nations passed a resolution to partition the land of Palestine between the Arabs and Jews.  Even though May 14, 1948, is the day that Israel officially became a nation, many recognize Nov. 29, 1947, as the birth date of Israel because this is the date that officially allowed the Jews to re-establish their homeland, the nation of Israel.
This year, the Palestinians have chosen this very same day of the year, Nov. 29, 2012, to petition the United Nations to establish their own nation.  In other words, they are attempting to divide the Holy Land, God's chosen nation.  If there is one thing that will arouse the wrath of God, this is it.
Nov. 28, 2012, is the 333rd day of the year.  So, as of the morning of Nov. 29th, 333 days will have been completed.  Counting backwards 33 days from the end of the year, we arrive once again at Nov. 29th.  There are no more Satanic numbers than 33, 333, and 3333, as when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, he took one-third of the angels with him, or .33, or .333. or .3333.  The Satanic numbers of 333 and 33 converge on Nov. 29, 2012.  Is it any wonder this is the date, Nov. 29, 2012, that the Palestinians CHOSE, as their Satanic day to attempt to divide the Holy Land?
This attempt to divide God's Holy Land may, or may not, be successful.  But it is very interesting that these two dates in 1947 and 2012, of Nov. 29th, are EXACTLY 65 years apart.  This means that God's Holy Land will begin their 66th Year on Nov. 30, 2012, EXACTLY 7 DAYS FROM HANUKKAH EVE, ON DEC. 7, 2012.  Could this be a 7-Day Warning of God's Judgment, as prophesied in Haggai 2, for a future Hanukkah Eve??? 
If Israel's hammering of Gaza continues with several more hundred casualties, including many women and children, in the coming days, could this arouse the sympathy of the international community enough to approve the petition for the Palestinians to have their own official country?  Talk about spitting in the eye of God.  Could this happen possibly 7 days, or so, from the VERY Biblical date of Hanukkah Eve.  What a fascinating possibility MAY lay straight in front of us!  With all of the other compelling signs pointing at Hanukkah Eve, adding this one would be very compelling.
As God's Holy Land will begin their 66th Year on Nov. 30, 2012, let us look at the number 66:
66 is the very Satanic number 33 DOUBLED.  33 X 2 = 66.
66 = 6 X 11.  Six is the number of man.  "Biblical Mathematics", by Ed Vallowe, has these three meanings for the number 6:
1.  Weakness of Man
2.  Evils of Satan
3.  Manifestation of Sin
He starts out by saying, "In the Bible, this number SIX has an INTESIVELY EVIL significance.  SIX is the number that meets with defeat...It has within it the STROKE OF DOOM.  It is a particularly EVIL number for the JEWS."  WOW!!!  Of course, SIX three times is the number of the Antichrist, 666.
How perfectly appropriate is all of the above if the Great Tribulation is about to be poured out on this EVIL world.  The Great Tribulation revolves around the Jews, and Israel.  How ominous of a sign is this for the Jews, and Israel, in particular.  To learn that SIX is particularly EVIL for the Jews, is highly significant, and probably ominous for the days straight ahead of us.
66 = 6 X 11  As Israel is about to enter their 66th Year in a few days, let's look at the number 11:
From the same book as above, "The number ELEVEN is associated with DISORDER and JUDGMENT all through the Bible."  God's JUDGMENT upon this sin-filled world is what the Great Tribulation is all about.  It is the time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble, or JUDGMENT. DISORDER will be the word for the day, once the Great Tribulation starts.  Out of chaos, and DISORDER, the New One World ORDER will arise.  Out of the ashes of World War 3, the Planned one-world government will be able to come forth.
As we anxiously watch and observe World War 3 unfolding before our eyes today, we have to wonder, "How long, oh Lord?  How long?"  With all of the very compelling signs all around us, is God giving us the answer to that ever--important question?
As Henry Kissinger has already told us, Barack Hussein Obama is their CHOSEN MAN OF DESTINY.  As the book, "Apollyn Rising 2012", tells us, 2012 is THE YEAR OF DESTINY.  With so many compelling signs pointing us straight to Hanukkah, 2012, and the very Biblical date of Dec. 7--8th (Haggai 2), in particular, one has to wonder if we are about to arrive at the appointed DAY OF DESTINY!!!  God's long-awaited DAY OF DESTINY, THE RAPTURE/SUDDEN DESTRUCTION is NOW at our doorstep.
Ron Reese