Lewis Brackett (20 Nov 2012)
"Ezekiels Peace and Safety was in 1973"

Ezekiels Peace and Safety was in 1973

It occured to me today that in light of our experience in our generation that there may well be stops and starts in the Ezekiel 38 narrative.... indeed, the Hebrew manner of writing in a non linear fashon strongly suggests this......

We recall all the times that GOD repeatedly put the brakes on prophetic fullfillment in our time.
It now makes perfect sense to me that apart from occasional terror attacks, Israel has dwelt in relitive peace and safety since the peace treaty with Egypt after the 1973 war, untill the last 3 years.... The peace gave Israel relief from the threat of regional war as America blocked Russia (GOG ? )
at every turn.

This theory, with Obama certain to do nothing about a Gog/Magog invasion,
puts the Ezekiel 38-39 war finally on fast fwd......
Lewis  Brackett