Jean Stepnoski (10 Nov 2012)
"Cheshvan 27-29: 11-12 to 14, 2012"


Dear Doves,
  The date of Cheshvan 28, a Tuesday, will be 11-13-2012 on the Rosh Chodesh, ( New Moon), the darkened moon. A lunar eclipse will be at 22:08 Universal Time, which will be at the midnight hour for Israel at 12:08! The voting began at the midnight hour in New Hampshire, with 5 votes for Obama and 5 votes for Romney which will be at a full 7-8 day marker from Election Day, beginning or ending. The MIDNIGHT HOUR is important in The Scriptures in the Passover narratives and The Master at Gethsemane. Will the Midnight Hour be momentous for Israel as she goes to 11-14 and Cheshvan 29? In The Scriptures, 29 is a number associated with departure. Cheshvan 29 goes to the day 4 of the Scriptural Week. The number 4 is the midst of the menorah day of the week, the servant lamp position.
   In "the days of Noah were" one of the most significant was Cheshvan 27. This was the day of events of CONCLUSION, of the ending of the days of transition, begun with the beginning of the building of the ark. The ark was the temporary and transitional home for the 8 of the Noah family. From Cheshvan 17 ( some say Ivar 17) it was  home for the 8 sojourners on the earth, then on water. It is only with Cheshvan 28 that the 8 have THE END of the phase of transition and the journey, then BEGIN ANEW with their permanent status again of earth dwellers which in The Book of Revelation is a phrase for those on earth after the transition of The Blessed Hope! Those on earth awaiting The Blessed Hope are sojourners, impermanent earth dwellers, pilgrims, people in transition, awaiting the permanent home at our destination in Christ the Lord in the transformations of Resurrection! The "days of Noah" conclude, are full and accomplished on Cheshvan 28, according to Genesis 8:14. What day will 11-14 be? It will be month 8 of Cheshvan and day 14 on the Gregorian Calendar. Curious, it reminds us of Genesis 8:14. The Noah narratives come full circle with The Rainbow Covenant established, the family  commanded to repopulate the earth and to settle the earth. This is not a minor spiritual anniversary. Cheshvan 28 is The Rainbow Covenant Anniversary! "As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."
   Cheshvan 28 in 1956 was when Israel liberated Gaza City and it was again part of The Covenant Land until Summer of 2005. In Genesis we learn that Isaac was at home in the Gaza for 22 years. In days of old when the Covenant Land was allotted to the 12 tribes of Israel, Gaza went to Shevet, tribe of Yehuda. This is also called the tribe of Judah, the tribe of the Lion of Judah, the Messiah. See the link of the Gaza to Isaac then Messiah!
   Also, the Torah Reading for the week of 11-9 to 16 of "Chayei Sarah" ( Genesis 23:1 to 25:18) includes the story about Isaac in the field in meditation at evening when the the caravan arrives with his beloved bride to be, Rebecca. Isaac is patiently waiting for his bride to be sent to him, sojourn to him, and arrive. The Word this week hightlights a story about the groom and his bride.
   We are a complete 7 years since the division of the Covenant Land and expulsion of the Covenant People of the Gaza. During the hour of trial, the shavua (7 years) of The 70th Week of Daniel, will be more tragic division of the land and people until The Second Coming. Could Cheshvan 27-29 be the time of a date marker beginning the transition into the final shavua? If so, The Rainbow Covenant Anniversary of Cheshvan 27 or the Gaza Anniversary of Cheshvan 28 might be related to THE DAY of The Blessed Hope? The years ahead will clearly manifest the theme of  "they divided my land." May THE DAY of our transitions into His transformational power in His Resurrection be soon!
With Love and Shalom,