Greg (20 Nov 2012)

I have a question about Obama.  I believe wholeheartedly that Obama is that man of sin, the son of perdition, and if he is a Muslim, then why did he advocate homosexual behavior and legislate same-sex marriage into law, knowing that Sharia Law condemns such practices? My only thought is that he is deceiving the Islamic world also into thinking he is a Muslim, pretending to be something he's not. He says things that causes the hearer to believe he is a Muslim, and he wears that ring that says, "There is no god but Allah", but why would he go against Sharia Law if he was a Muslim? And how come the Muslims don't say anything about this?  Doesn't scripture tell us that that man will not reguard any god? (Dan. 11: 37). 
Anyway, this is my question.  If anyone has anything to add, I'm eager to hear.
Thank you,
In Christ, Greg
"If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes" (Mark 9: 23)