Frank Molver (30 Nov 2012)
"prophetic scenes, rapture drawings"

Some very interesting skeches by Nicole from Hong Kong given during prayer
29 November 2012/
I shared my feeling with God.God showed that He was leading us running on a path of highland to a bright light.There were some churches on each of both side.
29 November 2012/
I prayed for the same and asked God for His soon return.God showed that we were sitting under a tree inside an ice cube.There were four columns on the four corners with colour flags that seemed to be a carnival.What is the meaning of this?Then I asked God for that.
29 November 2012/
God replied with this vision.The sun is rising! I guess the meaning: The frozen time is over!
28 November 2012/
I asked God for encouragement about the rapture,I believe that there are some people are being saved in this very last days.God showed many people in white robes flying to an eye from the earth.This eye reflected the scene of the rapture.An angel was flying down to fetch a North Korean

28 November 2012/
I asked God,what is the meaning of this North Korean? Do You want us to help them?God showed an ice cube melting and a crystal church was exposed.
28 November 2012/
I still did not understand the meaning.Then I asked God again.God showed His hands holding this crystal church and ice.I think God loves His church in North Korea in this very last days.
26 November 2012/
I told God,sometimes I think we are not the special ones to deserve to receive so many end-times visions,why don't You give these to the famous pastors so that they can do great thing and lead the church.This vision appeared before I prayed.At first God showed a "Soul Shop" with a very bright light.Some pedestrians were attracted by this light.At the end of my prayer,God showed some moths were attracted by a street light. It puzzled me. I have been thinking what this meaning is until right now I'm writing this description,I think God's meaning is: His true light can be a brilliant shop and also a street light,they can do the same thing,attract His creatures.
2 November 2012/
God showed the earth's axis rotated,the axis was God's staff,two light beams were swirling to the earth.I think the meaning is: God is mighty.He holds the earth.Nothing is impossible in Him
23 November 2012/
This vision was irrelevant to my prayer.God showed a city had a tower was destroyed.
23 November 2012/
This vision was still irrelevant to my prayer.God showed a spanner locking a water tap that was without its cap.We did not understand this first and then God gave a explanation: After the rapture( the tap has been removed),the ones who are left behind will live hardly