Chris K (28 Nov 2012)
"Anointing for WORSHIP part 1"

This is a file I began compiling to gain a greater understanding of the elements of WORSHIP(since I've been making such a big deal out of it), and the fruit of this study has been great for me, I hope it will be for others as well.   your brother, Chris K.

1. Stacte...for natural and spontaneous WORSHIP
2. Onycha...for a broken and contrite heart
3. Galbanum...for rejoicing in LOVE and TRUTH
4. Frankincense...for the death of the self-life

The four ingredients to be included in the "OIL of ANOINTING" for the priests to use in WORSHIP as ordained by Yahweh in the book of Exodus.

Stacte: A rare ointment which was probably myrrh. Hebrew word is from a root meaning "a
drop" or "to distil," and it has been by some interpreted as distilled myrrh. Literally, anything
that drops, as e.g. the purest myrrh, that drops as a tear spontaneously from the tree. The word
in Greek staktē, from feminine of staktos meant oozing. "Before any incision is made, they
exude of their own accord what is called Stacte, to which no kind of myrrh is preferable."
Stacte represented spontaneous worship, which we do, not because we have any
material need or any problem, but worshiping God for He is God. Means worship that
needs to come natural and spontaneous
from within us.

Onycha: It was made from the outer hard shell of certain mussel found in India. This shell was
powdered and when burnt gave a sweet odor which resembled musk. It is very expensive.
.  The shell is a secure location in which creature retracts too when harmed or confronted
like snail retracts into its shell. It represents our comfort zone or secure feeling. The
feeling that I can handle my problems, I am okay, all is well with me, my world etc..
This shell or secure feelings need to be broken down and we need to approach God helplessly. Looking up to Him in an attitude as I am nothing, I can not do anything
without You, I depend only on You etc...

Galbanum: a gum resin taken from two Persian plants of the carrot family. By it self had a
pungent, disagreeable odor and was mixed with other ingredients to increase and retain the
fragrance longer.
.  The thick resin came from that bark of the tree when an incision was made. It
represented our emotions, our expressions. When we worship the Lord we need express
ourselves in what ever feeling that comes to us. These need to be thick; meaning should
be expressions done not just for the sake of it i.e. lifting your hands or dancing or
kneeling or joining hands etc. The expressive actions should originate from the
emotions within us. If you raise your hands it should be like a child lifting his or her
hands unto his or her mother or father
. If you dance it should be because of the joy that
is in you. If you join hands or go on your knees it should be because of the humbleness
with in you etc. This helps us to sustain our worship for longer durations.

Frankincense: Hebrew means 'whiteness'. It was made from the thick sap collected after
making a deep incision in a certain tree.
The sap of the tree is like the bone marrow within us. Our life is in our blood (Leviticus
17:11- 'For the life of the flesh is in the blood') and blood cells are created in the bone
marrow. Therefore the bone marrow represents our spirit from which life comes to our
physical body. The sap of the tree is like its spirit, if the sap dries up then the tree is
considered dead
. Worship should come from within our spirit. When we worship, it
should be our spirit that should call out to the Lord.