Chris K (10 Nov 2012)
"RE: Bruce Baber (9 Nov 2012) "The Tide Will Win""

To Bruce and all the Doves,
   I understand and am in agreement with the Spiritual sentiment behind the poem, however, this scripture immediately came into my mind, having read it only the day before as led by the Holy Spirit:

Job 38:8  Or who shut in the sea with doors, when it burst forth and came forth from the womb;
Job 38:9  when I made the clouds its garment, and thick darkness its swaddling band;
Job 38:10  when I broke My limit for it, and set bars and doors;
Job 38:11  and said, This far you may come, but no farther, and here your proud waves shall stay!?

  The sea is indicative of the "cultural world of men" that is to be clothed in a garment made up of the "clouds", which is indicative of the body of the Saints(Cloud of Witnesses), therefore the world is actually bound and clothed by the "mystery" that is His Body and Bride, and surely it is we that will declare the VICTORY...even out FAITH!
                                                                                   your brother, Chris K.