Chelsea Brown (20 Nov 2012)
"Hanukka on Solomon's Porch : More clues to Dec 2012"

Thanks to Arlene for posting last week the fascinating link to Taken from several studies there, I noticed several connections to Hanukka, possibly indicating clues that point to this year.
The scriptures are inerrant, pure,unchangable,preserved forever, and without error. I have long been puzzled by some Bible descriptions (there are not many) which "seem" to be in conflict. One example is the measurements found in   the doubled books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. The measurements are of Solomon's Porch. The porch measurments differ. This is the sort of thing that should draw our attention as the Lord has placed every jot and tittle in its place for good reason. Things that conflict or sound unusual and  or odd contain important lessons. It is like the Lord is waving a flag saying DO YOU SEE something unusual? STOP HERE. Rest and ponder the message HERE. The link above puts it a little differently, describing these as riddles or parables. Samson , one of 3 Nazarites in scripture, spoke two riddles. The Lord often spoke in parables.  And the Lord walked upon Solomon's Porch at Hanukka.
The doubled books of Samuel and Kings speak of the era of the Christian church, prophetically. In fact, the doubled nature of the books means they are prophetic. (Genesis 41:32 "The dream was doubled ...and God will shortly bring it to pass." Doubling is a sign of  prophecy) In contrast, the doubled book of Chronicles speaks prophetically of the remnant of saved individuals found within that church. Only a small remnant of the Jewish descendants of Abraham were saved over the era preceeding the Messiah.. The Jews were a failure, rejected as God's witness to man
Likewise, the Gentiles, the Church will also be found to be a failure. Many within the church do not know Him. The flesh of all mankind is wretched, infected with sin. Gentiles are no better than the Jews as a witness .We are all afflicted, Jew and Gentile.
Now look at the passages. 1Kings 7:15 and 2Kings 25:17 list the height of the two bronze pillars found inside and fronting Solomon's porch as 18 cubits. But 1 Kings 7:16 adds that the capitol on top of each pillar was 5 cubits (total ht. 23) whereas 2 Kings 25:17 states the capitol was 3 cubits(total ht. 21). Further in 2 Chronicles 3:15 we see the pillars were not 18 cubits but instead are 35 cubits high and the capitols on top were 5 additional cubits. (total ht. 40) .Also,2 Chronicles 3:4 gives the porch height as 120 cubits, four times the temple height. Remember Kings speaks of the Christian church but Chronicles speaks of the SAVED REMNANT coming from the church. Also, Kings is the measurement at building construction where Chronicles is measured at the later destruction date by the Babylonians.
In summary, the pillars in Kings with capitols are either 21 or 23 cubits. The 18 cubits of bronze pillar speaks of bondage.Eighteen is a number of bondage.Twentythree is a Biblical number of death. Both the Moabites and Philistines  held Israel in bondage 18 years ( Judges 3:14 ; 10:8)So too man remains in bondage to sin, despite the church. We know that the number 21 in scripture speaks of delay. Daniel 10:13. This speaks of the church. And what about the 40 cubits listed in Chronicles ? The number 40 speaks of trials and testing but it also speaks secondarily of glory. Recall that Moses went twice up to Mt Sinai remaining 40 days each time, the second time he returned in glory. This speaks of the saved remnant coming from the church. So Kings speaks of bondage and death in these numbers(Church) and Chronicles speaks of trials and glory in its numbers (saved remnant from the church).
Now here is where it gets interesting. The measurements of the porch are 10 cubits by 20 cubits. The height is listed at 120 cubits in Chronicles 3:4. The total area of the porch would be 10 x 20 cubits or 200 cubits. This is the EXACT same size as the holy place originally built by Moses in the wilderness. The height of 120 , reaching UP, may indicate the year or the generations until our salvation.Gen 6:3. There is much more here, to be sure, things to be uncovered yet.
For a more detailed description and study access The Tale of TWO Pillars at pdf. There are a number of interesting studies here on Bible riddles and resolving Bible Conflicts. See also Sandals, TwoTrees in the Garden