Charles (28 Nov 2012)
"A message to my fellow watchmen from the wall"


Do you look around you and realize your greatest fear is true? That you are surrounded by those drunken by their idols! People rioting on black Friday over Track phones and x boxes! The land of the free and home of the brave have fallen for a few worthless trinkets!

Chtistians in America take great pride in our buildings and our missions to the world when we gave up our nations soul at home!

Everyone is sold on the false holiday cheer devoid of real holiness that leads to humility, that leads to a fear of the Lord, that leads to reoentamce of the heart, that leads to real love and charity not the enrichment of merchants and the enslaving debt!

We are lost as a nation and people cast down utterly broken as Cattle being fed for the slaughter drunk in our seeming good fortune for our abundance!

We do not see the storm clouds gathering and those watchman who do and point are cast down and scoffed at.

The message from the Lord and the message upon my heart is clear come out of her my people those who have my law written upon their hearts and every man save his soul for her transgressions reach to heavan and her plagues shall come upon her in one day and one hour she shall fall and not rise! no more shall she say I am a queen and no harm shall come to me!

We saw this country yell no to God and I saw with my own eye we have a false form of worship according to tradition and holidays not rending of heart or truth and spirit!

People follow the herd like sheep we are being led down the wide path foolishly proud of our hands works when we are utterly dependant upon the Lords grace for every breath!

I weep I mourn I howl inside I hate my own flesh and cry for this country because we just do not get what we have done! We were a golden cup in Gods hand and filled it with cheap wine and the nations drank and are mad!

Time to come out from among them and seek the Lord and seek holiness and rightousness perhaps you will be hid in the day of trouble.

There will be no national reoentance no revival no leader to return us to our moral underpinnings things seem to go on simply because the Lord has not removed His Bride!

The trumpet is about to be blown pray Psalm 91 now abide in the Lord! Do not drink the wine of wrath about to be poured out come out of her my people so Sayeth the Lord and partake not of her plagues!