Back in October of 1997, Sid Roth (Messianic Vision) interviewed a lady by the name of Lisa Gwinn. She had formerly been a Satanic High Priestess for 17 years, 7th level, and later became a follower of Jesus Christ. As I listened again to the interview after many years, I wrote down the following notes that I believe Doves would find interesting.
· Sid: When you went to invade a church…what did you want to accomplish? First thing is try and identify the strongest point of unity within that body…because unity is the basis by which the body of Christ fights…if you’re so busy fighting your neighbor in the pew, then you really get your eyes off the real war. We would entice them with whatever we saw there. We would assign little note-taking spirits. They can’t read minds, they can just observe…but these spirits have had over 4000 years of observing human nature.
· Sid: Why go after the gossips? If you find a gossip, you can assign a spirit of suspicion, spirit of jealously…and they’re going to begin, out of vain imaginations and out of jealousy, they’ll begin to backbite and slander their neighbor and keep the body of Christ torn up, so they get their eyes off the enemy and see each other as the enemy. The power of the tongue is one of the most impressive powers that human beings have. Words can sting and wound…and if you can keep the body of Christ stinging and wounding one another with their tongue, you don’t have to worry about them coming after you and fighting you.
· Sid: Areas that open the door for oppression, depression? Major inroads are entertainment (music and media). I like to put it in warfare mentality. When you got saved, you got enlisted in the Army of God. The Bible is clear, we’re in a war.
· Sid: What other areas -- who else would you go after? The youth…make sure that every person who comes into contact with and trains your youth are the people God has called to be there. (Her uncle, also a high priest, was a youth pastor at a Christian church who smoked pot, had long hair, rode a Harley; he also initiated her into the satanic church.)
Another area we would attack is theology…goal was to get them grounded in deception and theological error.
One of the greatest strategies of war is to make your enemy believe that you don’t exist…that you are no threat.
One of the greatest errors to enter into Christian theology is that a Christian cannot be harassed, manipulated or influenced by a demon.
3 main areas the devil uses to attack Christians, used in Garden of Eden and w/Jesus: Always attacks who you are, who God is, and who God is to you and His plan for you.· Sid: One of the men of God that you and your team tried to destroy was Bill French, president of Advocate Ministries, Birmingham, AL: Five of us were sent to 5 different cities in the southeast positioned as points of a pentagram to bring about a form of control in that area and take the territory. Bill at that time was ministering in deliverance and spiritual warfare. He was training the body of Christ on how to recognize strategies of the enemy, demonic happenings and activities of satanists and occultist in the area. My priest and I would send infiltrators into his group and they would disappear…they would not come back. Some were getting saved and some were getting so blown out of the water because they came up against a very humble man of God…under the protection of a hjgher power, it was like coming against a brick wall. Eventually I went myself and that’s where the story of Bill and I began. He prayed, “Father, we place this child on your alter of sacrifice.” That‘s when all hell broke loose in me. Like matter and anti-matter…in the spirit, you don’t take someone like me and put me on an undefiled altar. All the demons I controlled realized I had taken them into a power encounter they were not prepared to win. They feel you have violated covenant with them and they have license to torment you. I could see them manifest and take on form. At one point, Bill told me, “don’t look at them, look at me.” At that point, I passed out and when I came to, there were a couple more ministers in the room…dusted me off and showed me to the door. I found out later that the Lord told Bill who I was and why I was there. He just simply began to pray…knowing that prayer is the strongest weapon that the believer has at his disposal. I started asking questions of my superiors which put me under suspicion.· There was a point where they wanted her to have a baby to sacrifice. Refused to become pregnant. However, a new guy came into her life…sent by these people…who happened also to be a high priest. She got pregnant and had an abortion. Day after she had abortion, he beat her so bad she was back in the hospital. That baby that was aborted was supposed to be his ticket to a higher priesthood.
· After assault she fled to West Coast. The demons she thought she controlled were now seeking revenge against her because they were getting orders by people who were of higher rank to take her out. Would wake up in the morning with claw marks, bite marks, bruises…nightmares…times she would see them literally manifest and coming toward her…was a living hell. At one point she was praying to die.
· As a "benedict arnold to the kingdom of darkness," her life was threatened and 3 men (assassins) were assigned to kill her. They abducted her and drove her out to the desert. She told them, "in the name of Jesus, you have to let me go." As soon as she said that, they started to beat her. They didn't kill her...she blacked out...although their mission was to kill her, she woke up alive. (Here is where she stresses that in spiritual warfare, it's important to be accurate with what you say in Jesus name.) She believes the Lord had to have intervened in a miraculous way…because they were sent to either kill her or bring her back.
· A godly family took her in and stood with her through those months. When she asked them what she should do, they told her: "...get your nose in the Word of God and keep it there." The Word breaks the lies. The Word renews the mind.
· BTW, she had a praying grandmother who encouraged her to find a minister who believed in the power of God. Unfortunately, she only found lukewarm ministers who unfortunately were unable to help.
· One day she was watching Christian TV and heard an evangelist was coming to San Jose and attended his meeting. After getting up front, she turned around to head out because she thought it was too late, that she had "crossed that line, the point of no return." But on her way out, she was stopped by a young guy and his pastor. The pastor asked her, "If Jesus were standing here, what would you ask Him?" Here is what she listed: " be able to sleep through the night, to know what peace is, and to know what being clean is." The pastor led her in the sinner's prayer. She said she felt such a power on her, she thought she would fall. That weekend, she slept for 22 hours straight.
· She talked about the power we have in the name/authority of Jesus. She called binding and loosing, "one of the most under-taught principals in the Christian walk." MATHEW 18:18
CAUTION: If you have an unsaved loved one who’s an alcoholic, you have the authority as a believer to cast that spirit out of a person. But if they don’t want to be free, the next time they take a drink, there will be many more demons attached to the original spirit. LUKE 11:24-26
· We can bind the spirits that are there, bind everything that would (1) exalt itself against the knowledge of Christ and (2) cast down those imaginations and (3) pray that as those spirits are bound, pray that (4) the Lord would loose a spirit of revelation, a spirit of truth and repentance, that they will see the result of their actions, the truth of salvation and get saved.
· Sid: What about that (person) who says, I like this power? It’s not true power. What you think you control is actually controlling you. And when you’re ready to get free, Jesus is standing there…with a key in his hand to fit the lock into your heart and your life…and to break every single chain…liberty is yours. She said satanists or occultists are not the enemy...Jesus died for them too...they're just pawns in the enemy's camp.
· She encouraged believers to stay covered with the blood and the armor of God and to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Everything else including protection, power, authority, provision is going to be provided for you. And that’s God Word and unlike the enemy of our souls, God is not a liar. “In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us." ROMANS 8:37