Randy (15 Nov 2011)
"All Eyes on Israel---Will they strike Iran by year end?  or Next spring, summer 2012?"

Good article:
What I have found, over 10+ years of watching Middle East Events.....is this:
Things tend to happen SLOWER than I have expected. (We've been watching Iran develop the BOMB for 7 years now.....and we've seen talk about Israel going after Iran for over 5 years now....) 
I don't think Israel will strike Iran until THE VERY LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT.  When they simply have NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE......having PUSHED Europe, the UN and the US to DO SOMETHING FIRST.............................JUST before Iran has their first nukes.  (In Joel's book, below, Israel attacks Iran.......even as Iran is ON THE BRINK of launching 7 nukes at Israel.....)  
This article expresses concern over the winter of cloud coverage in Iran thru the winter.....that would make a big air strike very difficult.
Sooooo.....   next srping?  Next summer?   Look for a lot of POSTURING by Israel....push push pushing Iran......and push push pushing the world (the UN, the US and Euopre) to take action BEFORE Israel strikes.
It's going to be an interesting next 6-9-10 more months....
BUT, a war with Iran?......It's coming.......  Iran has stated it's intentions for well over 7 years now.  IRAN WANTS ISRAEL TO DISSAPPEAR.....and they (IRAN) is going to have to be the ones towipeIsrael off the map.   
Good article by Joel Rosenberg: 
Title:  Why Iran's Top Leaders believe the End of Days has come!!!!  
Over the next 3-6-9 months.......I think a pre-emptive attack by Israel on Iran will develop.....and it could be in EXACTLY the way Joel wrote in his last book, just out...... Israel does it ALONE......and "hides" their intentions up to the very last moment, even WITHOUT giving an advance notice to the United States!!     (Ah, Jole may have nailed this "fictional" narrative in his book "?The Tehran Initiative."
I've read every book Joel has written in the last 10 years........ he uses information RIGHT OUT OF TODAY'S News as he writes about "what might happen" ......leading up to the Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church......  WOW.  GOOD STUFF!!