Paul N. F. (8 Nov 2011)
"We All Stand Daily in the Mercy of God"

We All Stand Daily in the Mercy of God

By A. W. Tozer
 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time
of need.    - Hebrews 4:16

   Although God wants His people to be holy as He is
holy.  He does not deal with us according to the degree
of our holiness but according to the abundance of His

   Honesty requires us to admit this!

   We do believe in justice and we do believe in judgment.
We believe the only reason mercy triumphs over
judgment is that God, by a divine, omniscient act of
redemption, fixed it so man could escape justice and live
in the sea of mercy!  The justified man, the man who
believes in Jesus Christ, born anew and now a redeemed
child of God, lives in that mercy always!

   The unjust man, however-the unrepentant sinner-
lives in it now in a, lesser degree, but the time will come
when he will face the judgment of God.  Though he had
been kept by the mercy of God from death, from insanity,
from disease, he can violate that mercy, turn his back
on it and walk into judgment.  Then it is too late!

  Let us pray with humility and repentance for we stand
in the mercy of God. What an example we have set for us
by the life and faith and spirit of the old Puritan saint,
Thomas Hooker, as his death approached.

  Those around his bedside said, "Brother Hooker, you
are going to receive your reward."

  "No, no!" he breathed. "I go to receive mercy!"

Yours In Christ,
Paul N. F.