Paul N. F. (11 Nov 2011)


By A. W. Tozer

But we all . . . are changed into the same image
from glory to glory, even as by  the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3:18

     God wants us to recognize that human nature is in a
formative state and that it is being changed into the image
of the thing it loves.

     Men and women are being molded by their affinities,
shaped by their affections and powerfully transformed by
the artistry of their loves.  In the unregenerate world of
Adam this produces day by day tragedies of cosmic

     For His own children, our heavenly Father has provided
right moral objects for admiration and love.  They are not
God but they are nearest to God; we cannot love Him
without loving them.

     I speak of His righteousness; and the heart drawn to
righteousness will be repulsed in the same degree by
iniquity.  I speak of wisdom, and we admire the Hebrew
prophets, who refused to divorce wisdom from righteousness.

     I speak also of truth as another object of our Christian
love.  Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "I am the truth" and in
so saying  He joined  truth  to  the  Deity  in  inseparable
union.  Thus -- to love God is to love the truth!

Yours in Christ,
Paul N. F.