Phil (29 Nov 2011)
"29th November"

John and Doves,
Tomorrow, Nov 29th is a very special day indeed.
Not only is it my birthday but it is also the 64th anniversary of the UN voting Israel into existence as has been mentioned here recently.
It is my 64th birthday too.
 8 x 8.
It is also my 8th wedding anniversary.
That said I thought I would look at the day gap between Obama's 30 minute infomercial on 29/10/2008, which some say is the 7 year agreement spoken of in Daniel
between the antichrist and the many.
Well from 29/10/2008 to 29/11/2011 is 1126 days which is also 37 months exactly, 37 standing for the Word of God. Interesting.
And ffrom 29/11/1947 to 29/10/2008 is 2250 days or 60 yrs and 11 months = 731 months.
2250 added = 11.
7+3+1 = 11.
And of course 2+9 = 11.
Remember too that Prince William and Kate wed on 29/4/2011.
From 29/4/2011 to 29/11/2011 is 214 days or 7 months exactly.
2+1+4 = 7 also!
Interesting numbers.
Keep looking up,