Patty G (21 Nov 2011)
"Prayer Request"

Dear Doves,
Please agree with me in prayer, for a healing for my brother Dan.  He was diagnosed with ALS and we need a miracle.  His breathing is very shallow and he fights for every breath, and his muscles are beginning to get very weak.  His family is caring for him and it is getting very difficult, so please lift them up as well.
Another prayer request for my grand daughter, Jordyn.  She is 7 years old, and one of her permanent front teeth was pulled completely out by the netting surrounding a trampoline.  Everyone saw it just laying on the trampoline.  Her mom asked her older sister to pick it up and hand it to her, which she did, but when she jumped off the trampoline with the tooth in her hand, she dropped it.  Six people searched and searched, but never found it.  Later that night my daughter was asking the Lord where the tooth was, and heard " I have it".  She has told many people that the Lord will restore her daughter's tooth, and was lead to a scripture, in Solomon which says, "her teeth are like a flock of sheep, coming up from being shorn, each one having a twin and none barren".  Would you also agree with us in prayer for little Jordyn's new tooth.
Thank you, precious Doves for your prayers.  I thank you and praise Yeshua that there are so many of us who pray for each other.
Mariel, I am praying for you and everyone else who needs a touch from our Risen Lord.
My Love and Blessings to all of you,
Patty G
The Lord richly bless you for giving all of us this place.