Mike Curtiss (30 Nov 2011)
"Wow, Bible Prophecy Being Re-Written to Conform to God's Word"

Dear Doves,

           It never ceases to amaze me at the wonderous ways God has written the future before it comes to pass. Let me give you an example from this moment into the future. This allows me to know what will happen in the immediate future, because God has pre-ordained it in His Word.
           Many of you have commented on the European Union and it's current number of members 18 do not fit the Kingdom of the Prince to come, because the Bible says it will have ten members not this many. Well, suffice it to say God's Word is never wrong. With the coming re-organization of the EU option 3) listed in the article below, perfect harmony will come.
           God's Word says the AC Kingdom will have ten nations, so when the EU reconfigures itself, there will be only ten members. Just watch and see God's Word manifest in the world of men.

                           Even So Come Lord Jesus

Investors need to prepare for three possible outcomes to the European debt crisis, including the worst-case scenario in which the monetary union is left in tatters, Pimco's Mohamed El-Erian told CNBC.
Mohamed El-Erian
T.J. Kirkpatrick | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Mohamed El-Erian, chief executive officer and co-chief investment officer of PIMCO
While Wall Street this week grew more optimistic that a longer-term solution is possible for debt-laden European Union nations, the co-CEO of the the world's largest bond fund manager warned that much needs to be done.
"This hope has to turn into reality. For that we need design and execution," he said. "We need to stabilize the banks there and, critically and importantly, we need to find a way both to contain debt and promote economic growth."
Signs this week that investors are still willing to buy the debt[cnbc explains] of troubled nations such as Italy — even thoughthey demanded record-high interest rates — helped improve investor sentiment.
"They're making progress," El-Erian said. "The market is hoping they make even further progress. But the jury is still out as to whether that is going to materialize."
As such, investors need to brace for some difficult outcomes.
According to El-Erian's analysis, there are three potential scenarios:
1) "Fragmentation of the euro zone," in which the 17 member nations would go their own way, which he said would be "incredibly disruptive not just for Europe but also for the global economy."
2) "Full fiscal union," in which the nations adopt uniform financial reforms that would be more political in nature.
3) A "middle ground" in which a "smaller but stronger euro zone" emerges where as many as three countries default on their debt and exit the EU.
"We are no longer looking at what we call a traditional bell curve where there is one dominant outcome," he said. "We're looking at a curve that is much flatter and has much fatter tails. Investors have to test different exposures to that new distribution. That's what happens when you put sovereign risk at play."
The key to a positive outcome, he said, is negotiating a majority agreement among EU nations and then getting the European Central Bank to go "all in" in terms of committing the requisite amount to backstop the bad sovereign debt.
That all needs to happen in advance of the ECB's Dec. 9 summit to address the debt issue.
"That will absolutely turn the market and that's the key issue right now," El-Erian said. "I will tell you (the chance of an agreement happening) is less than 50 percent. A lot more has to happen in the next few days."