Joe M (30 Nov 2011)
"A Clue in Sabrina's posting"

Sabrina's posting on Nov 28th gives a strong rapture clue.  "O' my beloved, do not miss this!  Do not miss the wedding feast of MY SON!  Do not be surprised and too pleased with the secular parties which are now on the program do not be surprised if I would come then to fetch my bride"
First God says "do not miss this."  Then he mentions the secular parties which are now on the program - those are scheduled parties for this Christmas (and New Year's).  Not next year.  They're already scheduled which I think means this year.
Think about it - people are throwing parties for Christmas and most of the time they don't mention the Lord Jesus.  So God's going to have a party for "MY SON".  A Christmas party in heaven!
Praise God!
Thanks Sabrina,