Gerlinda (25 Nov 2011)
"John B - Re: Soon"

Hello John, 
I just finished reading your post but since I have little time to write today, I want to merely say that you provoked a thought concerning that 144,000 Virgin Jews and who they may be.  In the dictionary, it refers to the word 'virgin' as mainly used for females.  Through-out the Bible, the word Harlot is used for those Jews that, not only took up the pagan ways but also inter-married, defiling their blood-line.....these were both male and female.  So, could it be possible that this word "Virgin" is speaking of 12,000 genetically pure Jews from each tribe?  I believe that these days, when so much is now being learned about the importance of the blood-line being kept pure that it is not a stretch of the imagination.  Noah wasn't just a "righteous -good" man, he was much more.  The flood destroyed all those that had defiled themsleves except for only Noah and his family of 7 genetically pure who had NOT defiled their other words, they were gentic virgins.  Satan and his fallen angels continue to try to stop God's plan for Israel.   He did it before the flood and again after. 
There is no doubt but Jewish blood has been mingled with gentile blood through-out history.  Like it has been pointed out before.....most do not even know about their Jewish roots.  However, they are not Genetically Virgin Jews, are they?  Only God knows who they were in days of old, now and near future.
What do you think?

John B (24 nov 2011) 'Re: Soon"
As God knows every hair on your head he also knows the lineage of every Jewish tribe from their origins until the present time. The family tree (so to speak) of all the twelve tribes from their inception until the present. They have specific DNA and God made a covenant with them first and it appears He will harvest 12,000 virgins from every one of these twelve tribes to be His first fruits and to be His personal entourage with His name written on their foreheads. In my opion He will choose the "cream of the crop" from all of the recorded Jewish history.
You asked if it was possible that the 144k were composed of youth from both Jews and gentiles. My answer would be no, in that God was very specific in the description of these 144k in Rev.7:5-8 as being specifically from the twelve "Jewish" tribes and highlighted this by listing all twelve by name. As I mentioned in my prior article, considering the limited number of Jews present today on the planet and the moral climate we live in, it seems like a stretch that we could find 12k virgins from all of the twelve tribes listed in Revelation 7. That's why I believe that at the rapture not only are the Christ believing gentiles and messianic Jews resurrected from their graves but also the non messianic Jews (as per Ezek.37). And God will have had centuries of Jews to pick His entourage of 144k as His first fruits. No doubt some of His picks will be from those who are alive today.
You mentioned that we (gentiles) were grafted into God's tree (so to speak) when we accepted Jesus Christ and imply that somehow that makes us Jews. I disagree. Just like you can graft different varieties of apples onto a host tree it doesn't mean they loose their individual characteristics. They maintain their individual attributes and both receive their sustenance from the host tree and its roots. In like manner, we as Gentiles in accepted Jesus Christ were grafted into God's tree along with the Jews that were already there. Now this gave (we) the gentiles a path to salvation that we never had. But again, we are separate and distinct from the Jews.
Actually there are four distinct groups to acknowledge (and three separate outcomes but that's a story for another day)
1) The original and present Jews who had and have a unique, special and separate covenant relationship with God and as per Ezek.37 will be resurrected and maintain said covenant forevermore.
2) Messianic Jews. These include Paul and the most of the apostles, many or most of the original church (for centuries) and the messianic Jewish converts of the latter years.
3) Gentiles (all non Jews) who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior
4) Gentiles who have not accepted Jesus Christ
Hope this answers some of your's an abbreviated version of a long and complex story
Blessings........John B