Gabriel (11 Nov 2011)

Its quite likely that Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17:1 could be fulfilled at any moment and perhaps at the sametime ?  If this is the case, it would possibly perhaps set the stage for a peace that would be subsequently broken by the battle of Ezekiel 38 happening during the tribulation ... HOWEVER, HERE ARE SOME THOUGHTS BELOW .....
A) The Isaiah 17:1 prophecy might well foreshadow the war of God and Magog.( Ezekiel 38/39 )
B) Israel is in some sort of peace treaty ( Ezekiel 38:11 ) before the Ezekiel prophecy begins its attack. Could this attack occur immediatly right after Israel confirms this Peace treaty ( Daniel 9:27 )  which extends for SEVEN YEARS since  In Ezekiel 39:9 ," and they shall burn them ( WEAPONS ) with fire SEVEN YEARS."
Thessalonians 5:3 ---  " For when they peace and safety ; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, "
This could possibly mean that this False Peace Treaty ( 1 Thessalonians 5:3 >>> For when they say peace and safety ) could be the onset ( 1 Thessalonians 5:3 >>> Then sudden destruction cometh upon them ) for the Isaiah 17:1, Psalm 83, and shortly thereafter the Ezekiel Prophecy to all take place ?
BTW these future prophecies are in todays headlines. The conditions for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1, Pslam 83, and Ezekiel 38/39 are paving the way for the Rapture of The Church and the beginning of the tribulation. In fact, the hour is very late, and the Return of Christ is at the door, oh so very near ...
Moreover, we just do not know how long the time gap is going to be between the rapture of the church and the commencement of the tribulation and where these events fit in..
Mind you also that the Rapture does not kick off the tribulation. The tribulation does not begin until the Antichrist makes a peace treaty with Israel ( Daniel 9:27 ). That is the actual event that starts the tribulation. This goes to show us how close we truly are to the Rapture happening at any moment. " WATCH AND PRAY FOR OUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH "
In addition, I must mention the reality that thier are talks today in the arena of elites such as the Quartet ( ) in which are trying to finalize a peace deal by the end of 2012.
Another thing to mention is that there is a man who goes by the name of Jack Van Impe who pretty much calculated some numbers according to Biblical numerology at which he thinks he came up with a Biblical Generation being 52 years etc. He does make it clear and simple and states that he is not DATE SETTING. In my eyes he is just being a WATCHMEN as many or few are today...
In conclusion, these are very exciting times. The written prophetic events that God has layed out in scripture are coming alive as we obviously read them in our NEWS HEADLINES TODAY. Father God has given us ample warning and clear dinstinction of what is to take place. I'm afraid to say but I strongly believe that the Rapture of the Church is very near PERHAPS no later then Sept/Oct of 2012. Especially when we have the current prophetic headlines being just pre-requisites in order setting up for the Rapture of the Church perhaps even occurring before Sept/Oct of 2012. You see, I am a pre-tribber ( Revelation 3: 10-11 ) and I believe we are out of here before all hell breaks lose. How blessed are we to know we are the Generation that will escape death and be with the Lord forever more. AMEN, Be Ready ----- Lets Continue in PRAYER
Sincerely, Gabriel ( Bondservant )  In Jesus name  ( Romans 10:9 )