Frank R Molver (25 Nov 2011)
"Lois, others re black Friday etc."
Another interesting letter and diagram by Lois, I right clicked the diagram and walla, I could expand the tiny writing.
Beautifully done though..
This caught my attention, and we will soon see if anything comes out of it.
Remember, an event may not happen on black Friday but it could be something that initiates an event.
BTW, kind of creepy name for a day, Black Friday.
The constellations then do tell us a story as many studies attest. Having Solar and/or Lunar Eclipses on certain times within the constellation just emphases the spiritual meaning behind their connotation. They are like a picture taken of an event that requires attention & discernment. They are a highlight that is meant for us to take notice of. From the research of E.W. Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars, we can ascertain some spiritual meaning of what the Eclipses can possibly seem to be punctuating for us to consider.
 The Eclipse of Nov 25, 2011 happens in Scorpio. Scorpio is the arch-enemy. The Eclipse emphasize that the Enemy has been judged & thus has received the mortal wound by the Hero Sagittarius, (Antares is red). Venus, depicting a “Women” is with the Hero as Mercury is the Messenger delivers this omen.

The next Eclipse happens in Sagittarius on Dec 24, 2011. He is the Hero with a dual nature, the God-Man that has obtained the Crown (Corona Australis). Mercury delivers this message. The Eclipse of May 201, 2010 is in Taurus. Here we have a very interesting configuration. You have the King Planet Jupiter accompanied by a Messenger, Mercury on the scene with Venus at the heal of the Shepherd Auriga that is pierced by the Bull. As if saying it was for the “Woman” that he was wounded and the Eclipse is in direct conjunction beneath the Pleiades; the 7 Virgins. Is this the picture that the King along with His Messenger is coming for His “Woman” & Maidens? We’ll see. Next, the Eclipse of Nov 13, 2012 emphasizes that the Enemy, Scorpio is Judged, completely by Libra thus you have a total Solar Eclipse. Lastly, the Dec 12, 2012 Eclipse is unique in that almost all the Planets witness this event it seems. They are gathered to see that Ophiuchus, the Man that is in constant struggle with the Serpent is trying to usurp the Crown (Corona Borealis). Like Auriga, Scorpio has stung the Man at his heal in this consmic struggle. This is precisely where the Eclipse happens as if to punctuate that possibly the Serpent will be cast down but once on Earth, he will start his accent to power…perhaps the 42 months the Scriptures speak about?