Edwina (25 Nov 2011)
"Gerlina - Healing of David's Harp."

Dear Gerlinda,
Thanks so much for your reply and I'm so glad you felt such an anointing, I cried when I read your response. Oh the healing of those particular notes, I've played my harps for ten years and only really had my eyes opened and experienced a powerful atmosphere like a glory cloud?
Blessings rich blessings indeed and I was contemplating buying one....it's seems to be a totally unique sound and did you see that Frank Molver actually went to Harrari haprs?
In 2010 I went to Jerusalem to King David's Tomb.....it was like heavy electricity and I said to my tour guide, "I think I've fallen inlove with King David!".......
Thanks for all your input and in indescribable joy and love for Jesus to Come SOON!