Christina R (8 Nov 2011)
"For all doves!!"

Dear Doves,
I need your prayers please. I live in west texas. There is a tornado watch right now. I am up and cant sleep. I am just terrified been crying. I feel just sick. The Lord has been working with me because of my lack of faith and i am just broken hearted! I have been trying so hard to have faith when these storms come. I read tje Word aloud and just pray and cry. I feel so dishearted. I have let Him down again. I just pray for His mercy and grace. I dont mean to feel this way, I FEEL awful almost just defeated! My heart is just crying out.  I need prayer and help. I live in a brand new doublewide out in tje open with no where to feel safe. I know i should be trusting in the Lord and i am trying soooo hard!!! I know fear is not of the Lord 2 TIM.1:7. I know what the scriptures say. I say them daily!!! Trying to hold on!! I read the Word daily. Pray daily. Listen to sermons and gospel music only.  I am always trying to get close to our precious Jesus. I talk to Him about everything. What is wrong with me brothers and sisters!??? Why am i like this!?? I dont want to lose the fight. I long for His return and watch!! I ask the Lord what is wrong with me? I feel so different than all of the people i am around. I am what you see. I dont hide my heart to people. I care so deeply. I dont like this world it is mean and ugly, to much sin. I just want the Lord to come for us! I need your prayers doves i dont know how much more my heart can take.
Love your sister in Christ,
Christina R.