Bruce Warner (25 Nov 2011)
"ONLY '2014 THRU 2021'  FITS 2,550 DAYS........"

Dear Doves,

There are 2,550 days in the seven years before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill the Fall Feasts.

There are 2,550 days in seven years ie. 364.25 days per year X 7 years = 2,550 days

There are 2,550 days in 85 Hebrew months in seven years ie. 30 days per month X 85 months = 2,550 days

There are 2,550 days in the '70th Week of Daniel' ie. 1,260 plus 1,290 = 2,550 days

Beginning on Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets 'fully come' September 26, 2014 (to and including) the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur September 16, 2021 THERE ARE EXACTLY 2,550 DAYS. THIS IS THE ONLY SEVEN-YEAR PERIOD IN THE NEAR FUTURE THAT FITS.

2011 to 2018 = 2,546 days
2012 to 2019 = 2,578 days
2013 to 2020 = 2,580 days
2014 to 2021 = 2,550 days *******
2015 to 2022 = 2,577 days

Come Lord Jesus!

Bruce Warner