Beverly (3 Nov 2011)


I do believe that as a collective group of Doves, we probably have a rather large flock.  So with
that in mind, I would like to submit a request for a STAND against the evil that is being called
on by the Mayan elders & the crystal skulls!

Please let me know what you all think about taking time out on 11-11-11 at say 11:11am CDT &
getting on our knees before the very throne of God our Father in prayer to plead the Blood of
Jesus over our nation & to call upon the mighty Hand of God the creator to squash the evil
back to the bowels of the earth .So that the victory will be for all eyes to see & hears to hear.
So much so that the outcome will be for the glory of His Son Jesus & that by this many lost souls
will be saved!!

I have never fasted before but I do believe that this type of prayer against evil speaks loudly
the need for a fasting to take place prior to this time.

Please let me know if any of you have any other thoughts on this issue, as I am new to fasting
and any help you can give me on when you think would be a good time to start the fast, maybe
2 days prior, or a certain type of fast?  

All I do know is that WE as the body of Christ have got to do something, & that something needs
to be done on a large scale effect....what do you all think?

by His mercy & grace only,
