Amy VanGerpen (2 Nov 2011)
"My post from yesterday"

Sorry for the contradictory mistake in my post yesterday.  The second paragraph should have read:

The description of these folks coming out of great tribulation perfectly describes the Tribulation Saints having gone through famine (Rev 6:8), lack of water (Rev 8:8-11, 16:3-7) and the scorching sun (Rev 8:7, 16:8-9)

Amy VanGerpen
(1 Nov 2011)

"RE: NOT 70th week martyrs!"

Not 70th week martyrs.....but 70th week casualties.  I do not believe that every believer that dies in the Tribulation is a martyr; only those that are killed specifically for their testimony (Revelation 6:9).

The description of these folks coming out of great tribulation perfectly describes the Tribulation martyrs having gone through famine (Rev 6:8), lack of water (Rev 8:8-11, 16:3-7) and the scorching sun (Rev 8:7, 16:8-9)

    Revelation 7:16 They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat

The 144,000 show up in context with Tribulation Saints again in Revelation 14 as the last of the harvest is being brought in, they are raptured.  I believe this shows that their work in finished.


Amy Van Gerpen