Lewis Brackett (31 May 2024)
"430 years between Abraham and the Exodus 1440BC"

   Yes, thats Galatians 3:17. Interesting. Thing is, Abraham was
thought to be born about 2000BC,  We don't know exactly when. That 430
year start date had to have happened during his lifetime. He lived 175
years? He had Issac when he was 100 years old.
   So if anyone can come up with the event in his lifetime that
started the 430 year countdown, I will be in geeky heaven for a while!
Very interesting is this 430 years also corresponds with 1Kings6:1+2
which gives us the 1440BC exodus date AND gives us 960BC+- as the
decade Solomon began to build the temple.
Ezekiel 4:5+6 gives up >>>430<<<  years chastizement for Israel and
Judah beginning 602BC in Babylon. Leviticus 26:27&28 says God will
multiply the remaining chastizement 7 times If they don't repent after
Babylon. They did not repent, so @%@) Hebrew years later was May 14th
   Fascinating how that 430 years comes up again, and I wonder how
it's related?  This sort of thing happens elsewhere as well.
Enjoy, Maranatha, Lewis.