Jean Stepnoski (31 May 2024)
"The Love Of Many"

We are having our annual city, 2nd Saturday in May, food pick up for local food pantry by US Postal Service employees. Some results from my neighborhood: concerning where I live, in an apartment building with 32 units, 2 units gave food. NOTHING = 30 units. Concerning the nearby apartment building in the same block, 2 units gave food. NOTHING = 30 units. For the hungry poor in my community, in the anonymous once annual food collection, only 4 units of 64 apartments in the block of my neighborhood gave food. Is that a response of 6%? Do the people in those 60 units HELP THE POOR in other ways? Look to The Scriptures. Care is to be shown the poor, the widow, and the orphan. Always, The Scriptures let us see THE TRUTH. "The love of many shall grow cold."

Let Us Trust, The Captain of Our Souls,