Gino (31 May 2024)
"a thought regarding Russell Brand"

I had seen a couple things condemning Russell Brand, after his baptism.
It mentioned tarot cards.
I never was into that, but I've plenty of my own terrible sins, that needed to be dealt with.
There were some things that I was convicted of, immediately, the day I was saved.
There were other things, that I was not convicted of right away, but some years later I was, and turned from them.
For example, a year or so after I was saved, I was still attending the catholic church, but I was handing out gospel tracts.
However, I was still smoking at that time, even while handing out the tracts.
Even lost people came up to me, and said things like, "Hey man, don't you see something wrong with this picture?"
I was clueless, and kept on like I was doing.
At some point, I was convicted about smoking, not just for myself, but for others who could not understand why a Christian could still smoke.
I realize that tarot cards are serious, and if Russel Brand had believed on Jesus, then the Spirit has begun working in his life.
If he did get saved, then there were probably things that he was convicted of, and turned away from, already.
And there will yet be things that the Lord will show him in the scriptures, and convict him about.
I'm not sure how long it took for the believers in Ephesus to turn from their occultic stuff:

Acts 19:18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds.

  19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

Some may have done that right after they were saved, but maybe there were some in that group that had been saved for a while.
I heard a Pastor explain how the Lord cleaned up his speech, over time, after he was saved.
But he said that the moment he was saved, he was not yet convicted about his language.
He was soon baptized, and explained that he was so excited, that when he came up out of the water, he exclaimed, "Damn!".
Which was something he apparently had exclaimed quite often, when he got excited, while he was still lost.
To say the least, a number of those witnessing his baptism were aghast.
Perhaps they may have wondered if he had even gotten saved at all.
But the Lord eventually dealt with him about his language.
