Fay (31 May 2024)
"Eurovision. Oy Vey!"


Hi John and Doves,


My husband and I watched the Eurovision song contest last night (Saturday May 11th) and we could not stop laughing. We thought we were going to watch it briefly. Idle curiosity, you understand! It's really, really not our thing. We howled with laughter - stomach cramps and everything. Never have we ever seen such pantomime done so badly. The acts were all as gay as the day is long- except for Israel, of course. That song was beautiful. The majority of the acts were so......childish, is the word I'm looking for. It tells you a lot about Europe and the 'elite's' taste. Tacky, tacky, tacky. It isn't about music per se. It's more about how demonic and gay one can make their act. It wasn't remotely frightening - although it was as demonic and 'unhuman' as they could possibly make it. It was pure accidental comedy. Loads of fake fangs and foot long talons for nails. It was truly hilarious.


They have lost their power over us, Doves. They are truly pathetic.


Eurovision fans say Ireland's performance should 'come with a nightmare warning' as Graham Norton warns children may find it 'frightening' | Daily Mail Online


Please come, LORD Jesus.