Fay (31 May 2024)
"These People......."


Hi John and Doves,


They really are quite, quite stupid. There is no other explanation. I recall watching that famous Idi Amin movie - The Last King of Scotland - many years ago. In the movie, the young, Scottish physician assigned to Amin, described the ranting, lunatic, butcher as '  frightening as a child with dangerous toys'. In other words - as stupid is as stupid does. A troglodyte - goblin - dull-brained Neanderthal. No God given soul - they are empty. Zero regard for human life. THIS is what these people are. The devil's seed.  Goblin murderers. Sadistic psychopaths.


Watch: The Insane Flip-Flops Over Vaccines, Masks And Ivermectin | ZeroHedge


Please come, LORD Jesus.