Fay (31 May 2024)
"Evil at Work. Surreal!"


Hi John and Doves,


Here are the 'excuses' the Biden administration are using to withhold weapons from Israel and why their support has been withdrawn (without actually saying the words). They are hypocrites of the highest order. Since when have American politicians ever cared about civilian deaths in a time of war?  Afghanistan springs to mind. Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Ukraine etc. Do the Biden bandits give a jot about civilian casualties in any of the endless wars they have conducted?


The question is, of course, rhetorical as they obviously have never given a jot! What floors me is the way the mainstream media spout these empty words on behalf of the powers-that-be, without even a blush. And it further floors me that a portion of the general public swallow these blatant lies. Where are their powers of critical thinking? I firmly believe that the media hide the real reactions and emotions of the public at large. They carry on as if the public are as stupid as the media think we are. They carry on as if they still hold the respect and trust of the people - seemingly oblivious to their increasing irrelevance. They are in complete denial.


It is Almighty God's wish that NONE are lost. We are surrounded by evil beings - satan's seed - who manipulate God's creation. His people. If it is Almighty God's desire that none are lost, then this ugly charade will be eliminated soon. Very informative details in the link.


US report on Israel is damming but cautiously equivocal - here are the key passages (msn.com)


Please come soon, LORD Jesus.